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Citrus Fruits

Wafi Golpu Cocoa Initiative Empowers Communities

THE Wafi Golpu Joint Venture (WGJV)

project in Morobe Province has

significantly impacted over 5,500

cocoa-growing families since 2010. Sheila

Harou, WGJV’s Social Performance and

External Affairs Advisor, highlights their

commitment with over K4 million invested

in cocoa development partnerships. This effort has generated annual sales exceeding K15.5 million, emphasizing sustainability beyond mining.

WGJV’s initiatives include establishing nurseries, seedling distribution centers, and maintaining essential processing facilities like fermentaries and dryers. Their support has facilitated local cooperatives in achieving national and international awards for cocoa

quality, underscoring the project’s impact on community empowerment and economic


Harou emphasizes the broader benefits of agribusiness, noting its sustainable nature and long-term impact on community livelihoods and land ownership. By fostering partnerships with the PNG Cocoa Board and regional cooperatives, WGJV enhances technical expertise and market access, ensuring a resilient agricultural sector independent of mining activities.

This initiative not only supports economic diversification but also strengthens community

resilience, making agribusiness a cornerstone for sustainable development in Morobe Province and beyond.

The Wafi Golpu Joint Venture’s (WGJV) strategic investment in agriculture represents a visionary approach to sustainable development in Papua New Guinea (PNG). Since 2010,

WGJV has invested over K4 million in cocoa development initiatives, benefiting more than

5,500 cocoa-growing families and generating annual sales exceeding K15.5 million. Sheila

Harou, WGJV’s Social Performance and External Affairs Advisor, emphasizes the project’s

commitment to promoting agribusiness as a sustainable alternative to mining, fostering

economic resilience and community empowerment. This forward-thinking initiative

not only diversifies local economies but also strengthens food security and enhances livelihoods beyond the mining lifecycle. By establishing nurseries, seedling distribution centers, and supporting local cooperatives to achieve national and international recognition for cocoa quality, WGJV ensures a lasting impact on community prosperity.

Other mining projects in PNG are encouraged to emulate WGJV’s model, recognizing

agriculture as a strategic pillar for sustainable development. Investing in agriculture alongside mining operations not only mitigates economic dependency on fluctuating mineral prices but also strengthens community relations and environmental stewardship.

In PNG, the mining and petroleum sectors collectively contribute over 30% to the GDP,

highlighting their crucial role in national economic development. Integrating agriculture

into mining projects enhances this contribution by diversifying revenue streams, creating

employment opportunities, and fostering long-term economic stability. By aligning

economic growth with environmental and social responsibility, mining projects like Wafi

Golpu not only strengthen their operational resilience but also contribute positively to

PNG’s sustainable development goals. This integrated approach ensures that communities

benefit holistically from mining activities, setting a precedent for responsible resource

development worldwide.

The Wafi Golpu project is a significant mining venture located in the Morobe Province

of Papua New Guinea (PNG). It is operated by the Wafi Golpu Joint Venture (WGJV), a

partnership between Newcrest Mining Limited, an Australian mining company, and

Harmony Gold Mining Company Limited, based in South Africa. The project is situated

approximately 65 kilometers southwest of the port city of Lae, one of PNG’s major economic


The history of the Wafi Golpu project dates back to its discovery in 1996 by a joint exploration effort between Kennecott Exploration and Highlands Gold Limited.

Subsequently, extensive exploration and feasibility studies were conducted to assess

the mineral resources and determine the economic viability of the project. The area is

known for its significant deposits of gold and copper, making it a potentially lucrative mining


Over the years, the project has progressed through various stages of exploration, environmental impact assessments, and community consultations. The development of the

Wafi Golpu mine has been marked by collaboration with local communities, government

authorities, and environmental groups to ensure sustainable mining practices and maximize

benefits to stakeholders.

As of recent updates, the project continues to advance towards development and production phases, with ongoing efforts to address environmental and social considerations. The WGJV remains committed to implementing best practices in mining operations, including environmental management, community engagement, and the promotion of local economic development through initiatives like agriculture and skills training.

Overall, the Wafi Golpu project exemplifies a balanced approach to resource development,

aiming to harness PNG’s rich mineral resources while safeguarding environmental integrity

and promoting socio-economic benefits for local communities.


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