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USAID Extends Critical Aid to Papua New Guinea’s Disaster-Hit Regions

Updated: Jun 28

THE United States government, acting through the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), allocated K3.45 million ($900,000 USD) in humanitarian aid to assist with disaster relief efforts in the East Sepik and Highlands regions.

This assistance aimed to address the pressing needs of communities affected by the magnitude 6.9 earthquake that struck East Sepik Province in the Momase Region on March 24, 2024, as well as the ongoing flooding across the highlands provinces. The funding was earmarked to provide emergency shelter, logistical support, protection, and water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) assistance to those impacted by the disasters.

In response to the crisis, USAID’s Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance dispatched disaster response experts to collaborate with humanitarian partners, donors, and the government. Their goal was to facilitate a coordinated and effective response tailored to the specific needs of the affected communities.

U.S. Ambassador to Papua New Guinea, Ann Marie Yastishock, emphasized the importance of this immediate humanitarian aid in alleviating suffering and saving lives. She highlighted the critical role of injecting assistance directly into the local economy to support individuals and businesses, underscoring the United States’ long-term commitment to enhancing resilience to extreme weather events and climate change in Papua New Guinea.

The allocated funds were intended to expand ongoing relief efforts, extending support beyond East Sepik province to other affected provinces in the Highlands. Collaborating with the International Organization for Migration (IOM), USAID had already distributed over 300 shelter kits and 200 non-food item (NFI) kits to communities in East Sepik. The funding aimed to reach 1,500 households, providing cash injections to local markets for the procurement of shelter materials, NFI kits, and WASH supplies. Helicopter airlifts facilitated the delivery of supplies to affected communities along the Sepik River as part of PNGDF operations.

The combined impact of the earthquake and flooding had profound consequences, displacing approximately 10,000 people, demolishing over 1,000 homes, and affecting nearly 400,000 individuals in East Sepik and the Highlands regions, according to the IOM.

Beyond disaster relief, USAID maintains a partnership with Papua New Guinea to address various development challenges. These include supporting electrification efforts, promoting good governance, enhancing resilience to climate change, conserving biodiversity, strengthening health systems, and preparing for and responding to disasters.

As Papua New Guinea grapples with the aftermath of these disasters, international assistance plays a crucial role in providing immediate relief and supporting long-term recovery efforts. The collaboration between USAID and local partners underscores the importance of collective action in addressing humanitarian crises and building resilience in vulnerable communities.

In times of crisis, the strength of international solidarity shines brightest. The recent allocation of humanitarian assistance by the United States government, through the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), to Papua New Guinea’s East Sepik and Highlands regions is a testament to this unwavering commitment to support communities in need.

The devastating impact of a magnitude 6.9 earthquake and catastrophic flooding has left thousands displaced, homes destroyed, and lives disrupted in East Sepik and the Highlands regions. In response to this dire situation, USAID swiftly mobilized resources to provide much-needed relief and assistance to those affected by these natural disasters.

The allocated K3.45 million ($900,000 USD) in humanitarian aid is a lifeline for communities grappling with the aftermath of these calamities. This funding is not merely a monetary figure; it represents hope and resilience for individuals and families struggling to rebuild their lives in the face of adversity.

One of the most commendable aspects of USAID’s response is its holistic approach to addressing the multifaceted needs of disaster-affected populations. The assistance encompasses emergency shelter, logistical support, protection, and water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) assistance, reflecting a comprehensive understanding of the challenges faced by communities in the wake of natural disasters.

Furthermore, USAID’s commitment to supporting local economies by infusing cash into markets for the procurement of essential supplies is a strategic move that not only addresses immediate needs but also fosters economic recovery and resilience. By empowering communities to access resources locally, USAID is laying the groundwork for sustainable recovery and long-term development.

The collaboration between USAID and its partners, including the International Organization for Migration (IOM), underscores the importance of collective action in addressing humanitarian crises. By working together, these organizations can leverage their respective expertise and resources to maximize the impact of relief efforts and reach those most in need.

U.S. Ambassador to Papua New Guinea, Ann Marie Yastishock, aptly captured the essence of this humanitarian assistance by emphasizing its role in reducing suffering and saving lives. Her remarks underscore the United States’ steadfast commitment to supporting Papua New Guinea’s resilience-building efforts and addressing the challenges posed by extreme weather events and climate change.

Beyond the immediate relief efforts, this humanitarian assistance reflects a broader commitment to partnership and collaboration between the United States and Papua New Guinea. Through initiatives aimed at promoting electrification, good governance, climate resilience, and health system strengthening, USAID is helping Papua New Guinea build a more resilient and sustainable future.

As we navigate the challenges of the 21st century, it is imperative that we stand together in solidarity to confront shared global challenges. The recent assistance provided by USAID to Papua New Guinea exemplifies the power of international cooperation in addressing humanitarian crises and advancing collective prosperity. In the face of adversity, let us draw strength from our shared humanity and work hand in hand to build a better world for all.


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