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University of Goroka’s Ambitious Plan for Global Accreditation

THE University of Goroka (UoG) is undertaking a comprehensive transformation aimed at achieving academic standards comparable to top

universities globally, particularly in the

USA. Led by Mr. John Longo Rombo, the

initiative seeks accreditation through the

USA Colleges and Universities Commission to elevate program quality. Emphasizing a commitment to producing highly skilled graduates, UoG acknowledges the leadership of Vice Chancellor Dr. Teng Waninga and Chancellor Mr. Joe Wemin in driving these reforms.

The overhaul includes academic audits

spanning 25 years across eight schools, culminating in strategic phases: auditing, restructuring, aligning with international standards, implementing new programs by 2025, and achieving global accreditation. This endeavor aims to enhance Teacher Education and Training programs, ensuring graduates meet international benchmarks and facilitating

student and staff exchanges. Rombo expressed gratitude to the Marape/Rosso government for supporting tertiary education quality and highlighting concurrent improvements in academic and infrastructural domains. UoG anticipates significant transformation over the next five years, poised to redefine its academic standing and global engagement opportunities.

The University of Goroka (UoG) is embarking on a transformative journey aimed at securing international accreditation, a move set to revolutionize education quality and enhance employability prospects for its graduates. Led by Mr. John Longo Rombo, the initiative underscores the importance of aligning UoG’s academic programs with global standards, particularly those recognized in the United States.

Acquiring international accreditation through bodies like the USA Colleges and Universities Commission is crucial for UoG. It validates the quality of education offered, ensuring graduates possess skills and knowledge aligned with global benchmarks. This accreditation enhances the employability of UoG graduates, making them competitive candidates for both local and international job markets.

The focus on academic audits and restructuring signifies UoG’s commitment to delivering

high-quality education. By enhancing curriculum relevance and teaching methodologies,

UoG prepares students not only with theoretical knowledge but also with practical skills required by industries. This will lead to a more skilled and adaptable workforce in Papua New Guinea, capable of meeting evolving job market demands.

With improved education standards, UoG graduates will have the knowledge and confidence to choose workplaces that align with their skill sets and career aspirations. This

empowerment ensures that their talents are effectively utilized, contributing to personal

fulfillment and national development. Accreditation elevates UoG’s reputation internationally, attracting interest from overseas companies seeking skilled professionals.

As international firms recognize the quality of UoG graduates, they may invest in Papua New Guinea, fostering economic growth and creating job opportunities. This influx of foreign investment not only boosts employment prospects but also promotes technological transfer and knowledge exchange.

The University of Goroka’s pursuit of international accreditation marks a significant milestone in Papua New Guinea’s education landscape. By aligning with global standards

and enhancing education quality, UoG is poised to produce graduates who are not only academically proficient but also globally competitive. This transformation promises to elevate PNG’s workforce, attract foreign investment, and position UoG as a hub for educational excellence in the Asia-Pacific region.

In Papua New Guinea, the University of Papua New Guinea (UPNG) stands out as a notable

institution that has secured international accreditation for several of its programs. Collaborating with recognized accrediting bodies and international educational institutions,

UPNG has worked diligently to align its curriculum with global standards.

This accreditation not only validates the quality of education offered but also enhances

the employability of UPNG graduates both locally and internationally. By meeting

rigorous international benchmarks, UPNG ensures that its graduates possess the skills

and competencies necessary to succeed in diverse professional environments.

While UPNG leads in this regard, the pursuit of international accreditation is an ongoing

endeavor for other universities in Papua New Guinea. These efforts aim to further elevate

the standards of education across the country, fostering a skilled workforce capable

of driving national development and attracting global investment. Each accredited

program represents a commitment to excellence and a pathway for students to access

broader career opportunities within Papua New Guinea and beyond its borders.


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