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Citrus Fruits

Transforming PNG Agriculture ~ Local Inspectors to Unlock Global Organic Markets

AN innovative partnership between the Australian Government and PNG-based accreditation provider Paradais Review Services is set to revolutionize Papua New Guinea’s access to the global organic produce market.

Through this collaboration, six Papua New Guineans will undergo specialized training

in South Australia, positioning them as National Association of Sustainable Agriculture

Australia (NASAA) Organic Inspectors and Food Safety Management System Auditors.

Over two weeks in Adelaide, these individuals will acquire the skills needed to certify

organic produce, addressing a critical gap that has long hindered local farmers. Despite

their naturally organic crops, many PNG farmers struggle to penetrate lucrative global markets due to the lack of locally qualified organic certifiers. Until now, the reliance on expensive international certifiers from countries like Australia has posed significant challenges.

Nic Jonsson, Economics Counsellor at the Australian High Commission, emphasized

the significance of this initiative under the PNG-Australia Partnership. “This training

is a concrete step towards enhancing livelihoods in PNG’s agricultural sector. With

local inspectors on the ground, PNG farmers will soon be able to compete more effectively

in overseas organic markets,” Jonsson stated.

The six trainees will complete their initial training on August 23 and will continue their certification process over the next year through online modules and practical experience. By August 2025, they will be fully certified and ready to support PNG farmers in achieving international organic certification, unlocking new economic opportunities.

Papua New Guinea’s agricultural sector stands on the brink of a significant transformation,

one that has been long overdue. The recent partnership between the Australian

Government and Paradais Review Services to train local organic inspectors marks a pivotal

moment for the country’s farmers. This initiative not only addresses a pressing need

but also symbolizes a broader shift towards self-sufficiency and local empowerment.

For years, PNG’s naturally organic produce has been an untapped goldmine, constrained

by the absence of locally qualified certifiers. The reliance on international inspectors has made the certification process prohibitively expensive and logistically complex, effectively locking many smallscale farmers out of global markets that demand certified organic products. This new initiative changes the game entirely.

By equipping six Papua New Guineans with the expertise to become NASAA Organic

Inspectors and Food Safety Management System Auditors, the partnership paves the

way for a more sustainable and accessible certification process. These newly trained

professionals will not only reduce costs but also bring a deep understanding of local agricultural practices, ensuring that certification is both relevant and attainable for PNG


The implications are profound. With local inspectors on the ground, PNG farmers can

finally access lucrative international markets, such as Australia, where demand for

organic produce is growing rapidly. This shift has the potential to increase incomes,

improve livelihoods, and stimulate economic growth in rural communities.

However, the success of this initiative will depend on continuous support and investment

in local talent. As these inspectors complete their training and begin their work, it is crucial that the PNG government, international partners, and industry stakeholders remain committed to nurturing this homegrown expertise. Only through sustained collaboration can PNG fully realize the potential of its agricultural sector and secure its place in the global organic market.


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