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St.Barbara Ltd concludes a significant metallurgical diamond drilling program at its Simberi Operations

ST BARBARA LIMITED (ASX: SBM) has recently concluded a significant metallurgical diamond drilling program at its Simberi Operations in Papua New Guinea (PNG), yielding promisingresults that could shape the future of the mining venture. The completion of the final four drill holes, as part of a 14-hole program, marks a crucial milestone in St Barbara's exploration endeavors.

Among the notable findings, assay results for the last four holes, namely SDH520, SDH522,

SDH527, and SDH528, have been particularly encouraging. These holes have revealed

substantial gold mineralization, with highlights including SDH522 with 60 meters at

2.6 g/t Au and SDH528 with 8 meters at 6.1 g/t Au.

These findings have prompted St Barbara to dispatch sample material derived from

the initial 10 holes to Canada for comprehensive metallurgical testwork. The primary

objectives of this testwork include resolving ore competency assumptions, optimizing

flotation mass recovery, and exploring ultra-fine grinding and leaching techniques to

enhance project efficiency.

Managing Director and CEO Andrew Strelein expressed optimism about the results,

stating, "The receipt of remaining assay results for the metallurgical diamond drill program

is another important milestone for the 2023/24 campaign." Strelein emphasized the

significance of these findings in advancing the understanding of ore characteristics and

optimizing processing methods.

Furthermore, the strategic placement of the metallurgical diamond holes within well-understood areas of the current pits ensures better coverage of ore variability and grade

profiles. This comprehensive approach is vital for accurately assessing the economic

viability of the Sulphide phase of operations at Simberi.

The commitment to rigorous testing and evaluation underscores St Barbara's dedication

to responsible and sustainable mining practices. By leveraging state-of-the-art

technology and expertise, the company aims to maximize operational efficiency while

minimizing environmental impact.

The transportation of sample material from Simberi to Canada signifies a crucial step

towards unlocking the full potential of the mining venture. As St Barbara continues to

advance its exploration efforts, these latest findings position the company for continued

success in PNG's burgeoning mining sector.

In conclusion, St Barbara's metallurgical diamond drilling program at Simberi represents

a testament to the company's commitment to innovation and excellence in

mining exploration. With promising assay results and a comprehensive testwork program

underway, the future looks bright for St Barbara and the mining industry in Papua

New Guinea.

St Barbara Limited's recent completion of a metallurgical diamond drilling program at

its Simberi Operations in Papua New Guinea marks a significant milestone in the company's

pursuit of responsible and sustainable mining practices. The assay results from the

final four drill holes, including notable findings of substantial gold mineralization, highlight

the potential for economic viability in the region's mining sector.

The dispatch of sample material to Canada for comprehensive metallurgical testwork

underscores St Barbara's commitment to leveraging advanced technology and expertise

to optimize operational efficiency. By prioritizing rigorous testing and evaluation, the

company aims to minimize environmental impact while maximizing the economic benefits

of mining operations.

These developments not only demonstrate St Barbara's dedication to innovation but

also reflect its broader commitment to corporate responsibility. Through responsible

exploration and development practices, St Barbara seeks to contribute positively to the

communities and environments in which it operates.

As Papua New Guinea's mining sector continues to evolve, St Barbara's efforts serve

as a testament to the industry's potential for sustainable growth and development. By

prioritizing environmental stewardship and community engagement, mining companies

can play a pivotal role in driving economic prosperity while preserving natural resources

for future generations.


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