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Citrus Fruits

Revitalizing East Sepik ~ Governor Allan Bird’s Vision for Agricultural Transformation

GOVERNOR Allan Bird of East Sepik

Province has articulated a bold vision for his province’s future, focusing on agricultural innovation and community empowerment. This vision was shared at the Papua New Guinea Resources Week, where Bird highlighted the province’s growth in cocoa production.

He outlined plans to equip all 128,000 cocoa farmers with the necessary skills through the establishment of 600 village nurseries. This initiative aims to boost productivity and foster self-sufficiency among local farmers.

Bird underscored the broader impact of these efforts, citing success stories from villages

where every household now owns a cocoa plot. Beyond agriculture, initiatives like solar power projects are enhancing community resilience and infrastructure, transforming lives across East Sepik. Despite logistical challenges, Bird remains committed to expanding

these initiatives with support from national and international partners.

With a clear goal to elevate East Sepik as a leading cocoa producer, Bird’s vision promises

sustainable economic growth and improved livelihoods, marking a significant turnaround for a region once grappling with agricultural viability.

Governor Allan Bird’s ambitious plans for East Sepik Province represent a pivotal shift

towards sustainable development and economic empowerment through agriculture.

At Papua New Guinea Resources Week, Bird highlighted impressive statistics that underscore the province’s agricultural transformation. From a mere handful of nurseries in

2017, East Sepik now boasts over 600 village nurseries, producing approximately 1.5 million

cocoa seedlings annually. This rapid expansion not only supports local farmers but also positions East Sepik among the country’s top cocoa-producing regions.

The governor’s emphasis on equipping each of the province’s 128,000 cocoa farmers with

skills to enhance productivity is yielding tangible results. Communities like Changriwa,

where every household owns a cocoa plot, exemplify the success of collaborative efforts

between local communities and government.

Beyond agriculture, Bird emphasized the transformative impact of solar power initiatives,

providing sustainable energy solutions to previously underserved areas. These initiatives

are not just improving livelihoods but also enhancing community resilience and fostering self-sufficiency.

As East Sepik continues to scale its agricultural capabilities, challenges such as logistical

hurdles and financial constraints remain. However, with ongoing support from national

and international partners, Governor Bird’s vision of sustainable development and

economic growth for East Sepik appears increasingly attainable.

Governor Allan Bird’s vision for East Sepik Province goes beyond agricultural transformation;

it encompasses a holistic approach to community empowerment and sustainable

development. Central to this vision is the integration of infrastructure development

and renewable energy solutions, crucial for uplifting remote communities.

Statistics from East Sepik’s initiatives reveal a significant impact on local livelihoods.

The proliferation of solar power projects has brought sustainable energy to villages, previously devoid of basic services. This not only improves living standards but also lays the

foundation for economic activities. Moreover, Bird’s focus on community ownership

of cocoa plots in villages like Changriwa exemplifies successful grassroots initiatives. By ensuring every household participates in agriculture, East Sepik is fostering

self-sufficiency and resilience against economic fluctuations.

Challenges persist, including logistical constraints and financial limitations. However,

Bird’s commitment to transparent governance and community involvement remains

steadfast. With ongoing support, East Sepik aims to sustain momentum and expand initiatives that benefit its 128,000 cocoa farmers and beyond.

As Papua New Guinea advances towards economic diversification and sustainable

growth, East Sepik Province stands as a beacon of innovation and resilience in harnessing

its agricultural potential for broader socio-economic prosperity.


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