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Political Turmoil Roacks PNG - MP Resigns En Masse

Updated: May 13

IN a dramatic turn of events that has sent shockwaves through Papua New Guinea’s

political landscape, a trio of influential lawmakers—Wewak MP Stanley Samban, East Sepik Governor Allan Bird, and Bulolo MP Sam Basil Junior—stepped onto the public stage to collectively resign from their positions within the Marape-Rosso Government. The joint press conference held at Dream Inn served as a poignant symbol of dissent and disillusionment with the current state of governance.

The unexpected announcement, characterized by its boldness and defiance, has reignited

conversations about the stability and legitimacy of the government, prompting speculation about the future trajectory of the nation. Governor Allan Bird’s impassioned plea for Momase MPs to stand in solidarity underscores the gravity of the situation and the growing discontent within the political ranks.

At the heart of the resignations lies a deep-seated concern about the integrity and

effectiveness of Prime Minister James Marape’s leadership. Hon. Stanley Mutz Samban,

flanked by Governor Allan Bird and Bololo MP Sam Basil Junior, cited a myriad of grievances

ranging from allegations of dishonesty to economic mismanagement. The joint press conference, attended by a coalition of influential figures including Hon. Belden Namah, Hon.

Keith Iduhu, Hon. James Nomane, William Hagahuno, and Hon. David Arore, signals a

united front against what many perceive as a government plagued by systemic failures and

broken promises.

Fueling the discontent are a series of damning accusations leveled against the Marape administration. Hon. Sam Basil Junior pointed to a pattern of falsehoods perpetuated by

the Prime Minister, accusing him of breaching public trust and undermining the democratic

process. Echoing Basil’s sentiments, Hon.Belden Namah raised concerns about the government’s reckless borrowing practices, warning of the dire consequences of unchecked

debt accumulation on the nation’s economy and future generations.

Governor Allan Bird drew attention to Papua New Guinea’s ballooning debt-to-GDP ratio

under Marape’s watch, highlighting a troubling trend that threatens the country’s financial

stability and sovereignty. In addition to economic mismanagement, Hon. Namah highlighted a surge in civil unrest and violence, attributing the escalation to the government’s failure to address systemic issues and provide adequate governance.

Furthermore, concerns were raised about the Prime Minister’s globetrotting tendencies,

with Hon. Basil Junior criticizing Marape’s frequent international trips as a drain on taxpayer

resources and a distraction from pressing domestic issues.

Amidst allegations of corruption and cronyism, Hon. Namah accused the Marape administration of awarding lucrative contracts to political allies, further eroding public trust

and confidence in the government’s ability to govern fairly and transparently.

As Papua New Guinea braces for a period of uncertainty, the prospect of a vote of no confidence looms large, with parliamentary discussions set to commence on February 13, 2024. The nation stands at a crossroads, with the fate of its leadership hanging in the balance

and the hopes of its citizens resting on the promise of a brighter, more accountable

future. The recent wave of resignations from key figures within the Marape-Rosso Government has left Papua New Guinea at a critical juncture in its political history. As the nation grapples with the fallout from this seismic shift, there is a pressing need to address the underlying issues that have precipitated this moment of reckoning.

At the heart of the resignations lies a crisis of confidence in the leadership of Prime Minister

James Marape. Allegations of dishonesty, economic mismanagement, and systemic corruption have cast a shadow over his administration, eroding public trust and fueling discontent among lawmakers and citizens alike.The joint press conference held by Wewak MP Stanley Samban, East Sepik Governor Allan Bird, and Bulolo MP Sam Basil Junior served

as a stark reminder of the fragility of Papua New Guinea’s political institutions.Their decision to step down represents a bold assertion of accountability and a call to action for their fellow lawmakers to prioritize the interests of the nation above partisan politics.

Central to the concerns raised by the resigning MPs is the issue of economic stability and

fiscal responsibility. Papua New Guinea’s ballooning debt-to-GDP ratio and the government’s reckless borrowing practices threaten to undermine the country’s long-term financial security and prosperity. Without decisive action to address these challenges, Papua

New Guinea risks sliding further into economic turmoil and instability.

Moreover, allegations of corruption and cronyism have further eroded public trust in the government’s ability to govern fairly and transparently. The awarding of lucrative contracts to political allies and the misuse of public funds undermine the integrity of Papua New Guinea’s democratic institutions and hinder efforts to foster inclusive growth and

development. In the wake of these resignations, there is an urgent need for a renewed

commitment to transparency, accountability, and good governance. Papua New Guinea’s

leaders must demonstrate their unwavering dedication to upholding the rule of law and

combating corruption at all levels of government.

Furthermore, there is a pressing need for unity and collaboration among lawmakers from

across the political spectrum. The challenges facing Papua New Guinea are too great to

be addressed by any one individual or party alone. It is only through working together in a

spirit of cooperation and mutual respect that meaningful progress can be achieved.

As Papua New Guinea looks to chart a path forward, it is essential that the voices of all

citizens are heard and respected. Civil society, the private sector, and grassroots organizations must be actively engaged in the decision-making process to ensure that policies are responsive to the needs and aspirations of the people they serve. Ultimately, the future of Papua New Guinea rests in the hands of its citizens and their elected representatives. It is up to all stakeholders to rise to the challenge and seize this opportunity to build a more equitable, prosperous, and inclusive society for future generations.

In the face of adversity, Papua New Guinea has shown time and again its resilience and

capacity for renewal. Now, more than ever, it is crucial that we harness this spirit of determination and unity to overcome the challenges that lie ahead and build a brighter, more sustainable future for all.


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