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PNGEITI National Secretariat aims to enact Transparency Commission Bill before year’s end

Updated: Jul 20

THE PNGEITI National Secretariat is

making significant strides toward

the passage of the Extractive Industries

Transparency Commission Bill by the

close of this year. This pivotal legislation is set to establish the operational framework for the PNGEITI National Secretariat, currently situated within the Department of Treasury.

Executive Director Mr. Lucas Alkan expressed optimism regarding the progress of the draft Bill, which is approaching its final stages. Key administrative and statutory requirements must be addressed over the next few months before presentation to the Cabinet.

The proposed legislation aligns closely with the National Policy Framework on Transparency and Accountability in Papua New Guinea’s Extractive Sector, endorsed by the National Executive Council (NEC) in 2019. Mr. Alkan highlighted that upon enactment, the PNGEIT

Commission will operate as a statutory entity to implement the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative Global Standard, tailored to PNG’s context through the annual publication of EITI Reports.

The transition of the PNGEITI National Secretariat into an autonomous statutory body aligns with the NEC Policy Directive from March 14, 2013 (NEC Decision 90/2013). Mr.Alkan emphasized the importance of institutionalizing the EITI as an independent entity and integrating EITI reporting within reporting entities to advance transparency.

“As PNG progresses beyond a decade of EITI implementation, the establishment of the

PNGEIT Commission will address evolving challenges and support policy and legislative

reforms crucial for the extractive industry’s governance,” remarked Mr. Alkan.

He acknowledged the pivotal role of the PNGEITI Multi Stakeholder Group in advancing

the Bill, which underwent extensive public consultation. “Enacting the establishment law

will signify a positive stride toward transparency and accountability in the mining and petroleum sector, enhancing management of sector proceeds,” stated Mr. Alkan, underscoring the broader impact on national governance.


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