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Citrus Fruits

PNG’s Fisheries Industry Set for Major Overhaul with New Domestication Policy

THE fisheries industry in Papua New

Guinea (PNG) is poised for a major

transformation that promises to enhance the livelihoods of coastal communities

across the nation.

With some of the world’s richest marine resources at its disposal, PNG’s fisheries sector has long been a cornerstone of economic activity and social development in coastal regions. By providing crucial employment opportunities, supporting local economies, and contributing to community welfare, the industry plays a significant role in the lives of those who inhabit PNG’s coastal areas.

Fishing activities have traditionally been central to life in these regions, offering not

only a primary source of income but also sustenance for many communities. Beyond

supporting traditional livelihoods, the fisheries sector has catalyzed growth in related

industries such as processing, logistics, and trade. As local fisheries continue to prosper,

they bolster regional economies and improve standards of living, demonstrating the

sector’s critical role in driving economic and social progress.

In this context, the Marape-Rosso Government’s introduction of the new Domestication

Policy marks a pivotal shift in how PNG manages its fisheries resources. Historically,

a substantial portion of the nation’s fish catch has been processed abroad, leading to

significant economic losses and missed opportunities.

The Domestication Policy aims to address these issues by focusing on local processing and value retention, thereby retaining a greater share of the economic benefits within the country and fostering a more resilient economy.

A cornerstone of this policy is the development of the Pacific Marine Industrial Zone

(PMIZ) in Madang, in collaboration with RD Group. This ambitious project will convert

645 hectares of land into a major hub for tuna processing. The PMIZ will feature

state-of-the-art canneries and facilities designed to support large-scale fish processing

operations, positioning PNG as a key player in the global tuna market.

In addition to the PMIZ, the establishment of a Special Economic Zone (SEZ) within the

zone aims to create a favorable environment for businesses involved in fish processing

and related sectors. The SEZ will offer various incentives, including tax breaks and

streamlined regulatory processes, to attract both domestic and international investments.

The Domestication Policy is set to bring substantial benefits to PNG. By processing fish

locally, the country is expected to retain a larger share of the revenue generated from its fisheries, reducing reliance on foreign currency and enhancing overall economic stability. This shift will also stimulate growth in ancillary industries such as logistics, packaging, and marketing, contributing to economic diversification and reducing dependence on a single sector.

Moreover, the policy is anticipated to create up to 100,000 new jobs, providing significant

economic opportunities for local communities. The government plans to invest in training and development programs to equip workers with the necessary skills for employment in the fisheries sector, addressing both job creation and skills development needs.

Sustainable development is another crucial aspect of the policy. The government emphasizes adherence to international standards for sustainable fishing practices to

ensure the long-term health of marine ecosystems. This commitment aims to prevent

overfishing and support the conservation of PNG’s valuable marine resources.

However, several challenges must be addressed to fully realize the policy’s potential.

Developing and upgrading infrastructure, such as water, power, and transport facilities,

will require substantial investment. Public-private partnerships will be essential in meeting these needs and ensuring the successful implementation of the policy.

Attracting and retaining investment will also be critical. While the SEZ is designed

to create an attractive investment environment, ongoing efforts to provide stability

and incentives will be necessary to engage both domestic and international businesses.

Additionally, ensuring that new processing facilities adhere to sustainable practices and

regulatory standards will be vital for maintaining marine ecosystem health and supporting

the industry’s long-term viability.

The Domestication Policy represents a transformative moment for PNG’s fisheries sector. By focusing on local processing, infrastructure development, and job creation, the policy has the potential to drive significant economic growth and improve the well-being of PNG’s communities. With strategic planning, effective implementation, and a commitment to sustainability, this initiative could establish PNG as a leading player in the global tuna market and usher in a new era of economic prosperity for the nation.


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