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PM Marape meets new Aust PM, Anthony Albanese

Updated: May 14

Prime Minister Albanese paid a two-day visit to Papua New Guinea, where he met with Prime Minister James Marape, for their first annual leaders’ dialogue in Port Moresby.

The visit provided an opportunity to reinforce the two nations’ tight connection, which is based on high levels of economic and security cooperation, similar interests, and significant cultural, sports, religious, and labor mobility ties.

The Prime Ministers signed a Joint Statement of Commitment to negotiate a Bilateral Security Treaty, which will enhance the existing defense connection and deepen bilateral cooperation in police, law enforcement, and justice.

Both Prime Ministers also addressed strengthening bilateral commercial connections, commerce, and investment, and have committed to collaborate on establishing potential new trade arrangements and improving Papua New Guinea’s agricultural production.

The launch of a new five-year program, PNG Women Lead, reiterated Australia’s commitment to assisting Papua New Guinea in expanding women’s leadership and equality.

The leaders also agreed to arrange reciprocal schoolboys and girls rugby league trips, which will help to develop Papua New Guinea’s rugby league potential.

During the visit Prime Minister Albanese delivered the first address by a foreign head of government to Papua New Guinea’s National Parliament, a great honor for Australia.

The Prime Minister also flew to Wewak alongside Prime Minister Marape to pay respects to the late Grand Chief Sir Michael Somare, the first Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea, who collaborated closely with previous Prime Minister Gough Whitlam in the run-up to the country’s independence in 1975.

Both Prime Ministers acknowledged the rich cultural and historical links between Papua New Guinea and Australia as exceptional sovereign partners in their joint statement, as they looked ahead to the 50th anniversary of Papua New Guinea’s independence in 2025.

Prime Minister Marape thanked Prime Minister Albanese for Australia’s assistance in delivering Papua New Guinea’s 2022 National Election. The leaders praised the formation of Papua New Guinea’s Parliamentary Election Committee, which will analyze the election and make suggestions to improve the delivery of free, fair, and secure elections in the future. They applauded Australia’s pledge to assist the Papua New Guinea government in implementing the Committee’s recommendations.

Both leaders praised the recent election of two women to the Papua New Guinea National Parliament but agreed that more progress was needed, particularly in the areas of boosting women’s leadership, extending women’s economic empowerment, and eliminating gender-based violence.

The Prime Ministers agreed to continue together on common opportunities and challenges confronting the Pacific family. They reiterated the Pacific Islands Forum’s important role in promoting a peaceful, prosperous, and resilient Pacific, and remarked on the significance of the historic Blue Pacific Continent 2050 Strategy in steering the regional agenda. They pledged to enhance the Pacific Islands Forum’s unity and to support the Review of Regional Architecture.

Prime Minister Albanese was happy to announce Australia would give funding for Papua New Guinea’s new ‘Improved Technical, Vocation and Training for Employment Project’. The Australian investment would help to renovate 10 colleges so that PNG students may access excellent courses, particularly for curriculum objectives outlined by PNG. Prime Minister Albanese also announced funds for a new World Bank-Papua New Guinea cooperation targeted at strengthening early-grade education.


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