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Papua New Guinea Embarks on Vital Census Journey ~ 2024 Population Count Underway

THE 2024 Papua New Guinea National Population Census has been officially launched, marking the commencement of a crucial data-gathering endeavor set to unfold over the next three months.

This milestone event heralds the nation’s fifth census since its inaugural undertaking in 1990,

which documented a population of 3.3 million at the time.

Reflecting on the preceding census conducted in 2011, which reported a population of 7.8 million, projections from the National Research Institute paint a staggering picture of demographic growth, estimating a populace exceeding 20 million by the 2040s.

While the Papua New Guinean government has allocated a portion of funding to support

the census initiative, efforts are underway to secure additional assistance from international

donors to bolster the endeavor’s resources.

Scott Waide, RNZ Pacific’s correspondent based in Papua New Guinea, shared insights on

the upcoming census with Don Wiseman, RNZ Pacific’s senior journalist. Waide highlighted

lingering concerns stemming from the methodology employed during the previous census,

raising questions about the accuracy and reliability of the data obtained thirteen years ago.

This candid assessment underscores the importance of implementing robust methodologies

and protocols to ensure the integrity of the census process and the accuracy of its findings.

In an era marked by rapid demographic shifts and evolving socio-economic dynamics, access to reliable population data is indispensable for informed decision-making and policy


The forthcoming census represents an invaluable opportunity to gain comprehensive insights into Papua New Guinea’s demographic landscape, providing policymakers, researchers, and stakeholders with a foundational understanding of population trends, distribution patterns, and socio-economic indicators.

Moreover, the census serves as a mechanism for fostering accountability and transparency

in governance, empowering citizens to actively participate in shaping their collective future.

As preparations for the census gather momentum, it is incumbent upon all stakeholders—

both domestic and international—to lend their support to this critical endeavor. By working

collaboratively to overcome logistical challenges and ensure the inclusivity and accuracy of

the census process, we can lay the groundwork for a more prosperous and equitable Papua

New Guinea.

In conclusion, the launch of the 2024 Papua New Guinea National Population Census signals

a pivotal moment in the nation’s journey towards sustainable development and inclusive

growth. With concerted effort and unwavering commitment, we can harness the power

of data to build a brighter future for all Papua New Guineans.

The forthcoming 2024 Papua New Guinea National Population Census represents more than

just a data-gathering exercise—it embodies a pivotal opportunity to illuminate the path forward for the nation. As Papua New Guinea prepares to embark on its fifth census since 1990, the significance of this undertaking cannot be overstated.

At its core, the census serves as a vital instrument for capturing the pulse of the nation, offering invaluable insights into the demographic composition, distribution, and dynamics

shaping Papua New Guinean society. From rural villages nestled in verdant valleys to bustling urban centers teeming with life, everyone counted represents a thread in the rich tapestry of Papua New Guinea’s cultural and social fabric.

Reflecting on past census endeavors, it becomes evident that the data obtained has

far-reaching implications for policymaking, resource allocation, and development planning.

The 2011 census, for instance, revealed a population of 7.8 million—a testament to the

nation’s demographic evolution over the preceding decade. Projections from the National

Research Institute paint a vivid picture of continued growth, with expectations of a populace

exceeding 20 million by the 2040s. Such projections underscore the urgency of accurately

capturing and interpreting population trends to inform strategic decision-making and policy


However, the path to achieving an accurate and inclusive census is fraught with challenges,

as highlighted by Scott Waide, RNZ Pacific’s correspondent in Papua New Guinea. Lingering

concerns surrounding the methodology employed during the previous census serve as

a sobering reminder of the need for vigilance and accountability in the census process. Indeed, the efficacy of the census hinges not only on the rigor of data collection but also

on the transparency and integrity of the entire process.

Against this backdrop, it is imperative that stakeholders—both domestic and international—

rally behind the census initiative, offering support and resources to ensure its success.

The Papua New Guinean government’s allocation of funding is a commendable step, yet

additional support from international donors is needed to bolster the endeavor’s capacity

and reach. Collaboration between government agencies, civil society organizations, academia, and the private sector will be essential in navigating logistical challenges and enhancing the inclusivity of the census process.

Moreover, the census presents an opportunity to engage with communities at the grassroots

level, fostering dialogue and participation in shaping the nation’s future. By empowering

citizens to take ownership of the census process, we can cultivate a culture of data-driven

decision-making and civic engagement—an indispensable foundation for democratic governance and sustainable development.

As Papua New Guinea stands on the cusp of this historic endeavor, it is incumbent upon all

stakeholders to heed the call for action and solidarity. The success of the 2024 census hinges

not only on the accuracy of the data collected but also on the broader societal impact it engenders. By harnessing the power of data to illuminate the challenges and opportunities facing our nation, we can chart a course towards a more prosperous, equitable, and inclusive

Papua New Guinea for generations to come.

In conclusion, let us seize this momentous opportunity to come together as a nation, united

in our commitment to building a brighter future for all Papua New Guineans. Through

collective effort and unwavering resolve, we can harness the transformative potential of the

census to pave the way for a more resilient and prosperous tomorrow.


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