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Citrus Fruits

Ok Tedi Mining’s Record Revenue Signals PNG’s Economic Surge

OK TEDI MINING LIMITED (OTML) of Papua New Guinea has shattered records by amassing a staggering K684 million (USD$184 million) in revenue for the month of December 2023. This exceptional achievement stands as the pinnacle of financial success witnessed throughout the entirety of the year, marking a watershed moment in the nation’s economic landscape.

The extraordinary surge in revenue can be attributed to a multifaceted array of factors, underpinned by heightened production levels, a fortuitous surge in metal prices surpassing budgetary forecasts, and strategic enhancements to operational efficacy. Notably, meticulous cost management practices and the seamless execution of copper shipments to clientele without disruption played pivotal roles in driving this monumental milestone.

During the month of December, OTML boasted an impressive production output of 45,000

dry metric tons (Kdmt) of Copper Concentrate, translating into sales figures totaling USD$107 million (K398 million). Furthermore, the contributions from gold amounted to USD$75 million (K278 million), with Silver adding USD$2.4 million (K8.9 million) to the overall revenue stream. Kedi Ilimbit, the Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of OTML, expressed profound satisfaction with the company’s stellar performance. He underscored the transformative impact of productivity enhancements deployed across the entire operational spectrum, spanning from mining endeavors to processing facilities and port logistics. The notable uptick in uptime and reliability within crushing and processing plants, coupled with operational streamlining within the mining domain, facilitated the processing of superior-grade ore throughout the duration of the month.

Mr. Ilimbit accentuated the collective synergy exhibited by auxiliary support functions, including supply chain logistics and power infrastructure management, which seamlessly synchronized with the primary production team. The diligent efforts of the Dry Weather Incident Management Team (IMT) were instrumental in implementing judicious cost containment measures, encompassing fuel conservation strategies, astute contractor oversight, and the rationalization of critical supply chains.

This remarkable financial triumph, as articulated by Mr. Ilimbit, serves as a testament to the

resounding success of the ‘restore, reset, and reinvigorate’ strategy meticulously executed

throughout 2023 to overhaul the company’s operational framework. He affirmed, “We remain

steadfastly committed to the pursuit of transformational strategies aimed at optimizing production efficiency while remaining financially prudent.”

OTML remains unwavering in its dedication to fulfilling environmental, legal, and social obligations, cultivating positive relationships with communities affected by mining activities, thus upholding the social license essential for operational continuity. In a gesture of appreciation to shareholders, OTML recently announced a final dividend disbursement totaling K350 million, supplementing the initial interim dividend payout of K100 million earlier in the fiscal year.

With the Board’s endorsement for the Mine Life Extension stretching up to 2050, OTML anticipates a trajectory of sustained growth well into the foreseeable future. The company is actively pursuing strategic expansion initiatives aligned with the current Strategic Business Plan, envisaged to yield a remarkable K30 billion (US$8 billion) in social benefits over the ensuing 27 years. These benefits, encompassing tax revenues, royalties, and dividend disbursements, serve as a testament to OTML’s unwavering commitment to its shareholders and the nation of Papua New Guinea.

Papua New Guinea’s mining sector has long been a cornerstone of the nation’s economy,

contributing significantly to revenue generation, employment opportunities, and infrastructure development. The recent record-breaking achievement of Ok Tedi Mining

Limited (OTML) in generating unprecedented revenue underscores the immense potential

of Papua New Guinea’s mineral wealth to propel the nation towards sustainable economic

growth and prosperity.

The remarkable success story of OTML serves as a beacon of hope amid the economic challenges faced by Papua New Guinea. With a revenue surge of K684 million (USD$184 million) in December 2023 alone, OTML has demonstrated its capacity to harness the abundant natural resources of the nation for the benefit of its citizens. This milestone not only reflects the resilience and ingenuity of Papua New Guinea’s mining industry but also highlights the pivotal role that strategic planning, operational efficiency, and prudent management play in unlocking the full potential of the country’s mineral


At the heart of OTML’s success lies a commitment to innovation and continuous improvement. By embracing advanced technologies, implementing best practices, and prioritizing sustainability, OTML has been able to achieve record production levels while minimizing environmental impact and maximizing social benefits. This holistic approach to mining not only ensures the long-term viability of operations but also fosters positive relationships with local communities and stakeholders, thereby securing the social license to operate.

However, the success of OTML should not be viewed in isolation but rather as a catalyst for

broader economic transformation. Papua New Guinea is endowed with vast mineral resources, including gold, copper, silver, and others, which present immense opportunities for economic diversification, job creation, and poverty alleviation. By leveraging these resources responsibly and transparently, Papua New Guinea has the potential to emerge as a regional economic powerhouse and a model for sustainable development.

To realize this vision, concerted efforts are needed to address the challenges facing the

mining sector and create an enabling environment for investment and growth. This includes

improving infrastructure, strengthening governance and regulatory frameworks, enhancing

transparency and accountability, and fostering innovation and skills development. By prioritizing these areas, Papua New Guinea can attract foreign investment, stimulate economic activity, and create a conducive environment for sustainable development. Moreover, it is imperative that the benefits of mining are equitably distributed among all segments of society, particularly marginalized communities and indigenous peoples. This requires a commitment to inclusive growth, social justice, and respect for human rights. Companies operating in the mining sector must uphold the highest standards of corporate social responsibility and actively engage with local communities to address their needs and aspirations.

Additionally, Papua New Guinea must seize the opportunity presented by the mining sector to invest in education, healthcare, infrastructure, and other critical areas of development. By reinvesting a portion of mining revenues into social programs and public services, the government can ensure that the benefits of resource extraction are shared equitably and contribute to the overall well-being of the population.

In conclusion, the recent success of OTML serves as a powerful reminder of the immense

potential of Papua New Guinea’s mining sector to drive economic growth, create employment opportunities, and improve livelihoods. However, realizing this potential requires a concerted effort from all stakeholders – government, industry, civil society, and local communities – to ensure that mining activities are conducted responsibly, sustainably, and in the best interests of the nation as a whole. By harnessing the country’s mineral wealth for sustainable development, Papua New Guinea can chart a course towards a brighter and more prosperous future for all its citizens.


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