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Navigating the Path Forward ~ Pogera Mining Project Enters Critical Negotiation Phase

NEGOTIATIONS have entered a crucial phase as stakeholders pause to review and provide feedback on the draft Community Development Agreement(CDA) in a pivotal development concerning the Porgera Mining Project. This hiatus, granted by the State Team overseeing the negotiations, aims to ensure thorough scrutiny and inclusivity before proceedings resume.

The draft CDA represents a watershed moment for local communities, outlining a spectrum of benefits tied to the anticipated resurgence of the Porgera Mine. These include royalties, equity stakes, Infrastructure Development Grants (IDG), Special Support Grants (SSG), and potential business opportunities—an array poised to catalyze socio-economic growth across the region.

Underpinning these negotiations are stringent legal frameworks outlined in the Mining Act of 1992, which mandate equitable distribution of benefits among stakeholders. The State Team has engaged extensively with Special Mining Lease (SML) landowners, Lease for Mining Purposes (LMP) holders,

the Enga Provincial Government, and the Porgera Rural Local Level Government to ensure comprehensive representation and fair deliberation.

Highlighting the broad impact, non-SML landowners—such as those with Mining Easements and Riverine communities—have also been granted the opportunity to review the document. While they are not direct signatories to the CDA, their involvement remains critical as beneficiaries of the mining operations’ socio-economic ripple effects.

Jerry Garry, Managing Director of the Mineral Resources Authority (MRA), stressed the importance of a balanced approach that considers all stakeholders’ interests, echoing sentiments from Enga Province Governor Sir Peter Ipatas. Governor Ipatas emphasized expeditious action to secure mutual benefits,

cautioning against delays that could hinder community progress and economic empowerment.

The deliberations in Wabag underscored the necessity for transparency and legal adherence, as outlined by Deputy State Solicitor Bonny Gelu. Addressing concerns about access to agreements, Mr.

Gelu clarified the legal protocols surrounding the Porgera Project Commencement Agreement (PPCA) and associated documents, emphasizing the State’s responsibility to uphold confidentiality and regulatory compliance.

As negotiations resume, the collective resolve of stakeholders to finalize the CDA emerges as pivotal to unlocking Porgera’s potential. With a firm commitment to equitable development and sustainable

practices, Papua New Guinea stands poised to navigate this critical juncture, guided by a shared vision for inclusive growth and community resilience.

Historical and Socio-Economic Impact of the Porgera Mine.

The ongoing negotiations over the Porgera Mining Project’s Community Development Agreement (CDA) mark a critical juncture in Papua New Guinea’s mining history. As stakeholders pause to review the draft CDA, which promises significant benefits ranging from royalties to infrastructure grants, the process reflects a commitment to equitable development.

Historically, the Porgera Mine has been a cornerstone of the region’s economy, dating back to its discovery in 1938. Over the decades, it has not only contributed to Papua New Guinea’s mineral wealth but has also faced challenges concerning environmental stewardship and community relations.

Today, as the State Team and stakeholders deliberate, the focus remains on fostering

transparency and inclusivity. This includes addressing the concerns of non-SML landowners

and ensuring their participation in the benefits arising from mining activities.

Navigating this path requires careful consideration of legal frameworks and community

aspirations. As negotiations resume, Papua New Guinea stands at a pivotal moment,

poised to harness the Porgera Mine’s potential responsibly while advancing sustainable development

goals for all involved.

The Porgera Mine, one of Papua New Guinea’s largest and longest-operating mining projects, has had a multifaceted impact on the country and its people since its inception. Economically, it has been a significant contributor to Papua New Guinea’s GDP through revenue generation, employment

opportunities, and infrastructure development funded by mining proceeds. The mine has provided direct employment to thousands of Papua New Guineans, offering jobs in mining operations, administration, and support services.

However, the Porgera Mine’s impact extends beyond mere economic contributions. It has sparked debates and discussions around issues of environmental conservation, land rights, and community development. Environmental concerns have arisen due to the mine’s proximity to sensitive ecosystems

and its impact on local water sources and biodiversity. Additionally, disputes over land rights and compensation for landowners have been ongoing, highlighting tensions between local communities, mining operators, and the government.

As stakeholders work towards finalizing the CDA, the focus remains on ensuring that the benefits of the Porgera Mine are equitably distributed, fostering sustainable development and improving the quality of life for all impacted communities.


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