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Citrus Fruits

Minister Maru Unveils New Sugar Mill ~ A Sweet Future for Papua New Guinea

PAPUA NEW GUINEA (PNG) is poised for a significant economic transformation

with the launch of the Cocoland Sugar Development Project in the Abau District. Under the leadership of Minister Richard Maru and the Ministry of International Trade and Investment, this ambitious initiative promises to revolutionize the nation’s sugar production capabilities and stimulate substantial economic growth.

The Cocoland Sugar Development Project, approved as a Special Economic Zone (SEZ)

by the National Executive Council, is set to be developed by the Thai company Yaosoeng

Sugar and Cane Limited. This project is not just about sugar production; it encompasses

a comprehensive development plan that includes a 40,000-hectare sugar farm, a stateof-

the-art processing mill, and a 45-megawatt power plant. The project aims to produce an

impressive three million tonnes of sugar annually, targeting both domestic markets in

PNG and export opportunities in Indonesia.

Minister Maru has emphasized the multifaceted benefits of this project. One of the most

significant impacts will be job creation. The project is expected to generate over 20,000

jobs, providing employment opportunities across various sectors, from agricultural labor

to skilled technical roles in processing and infrastructure development. This influx of jobs

is anticipated to stimulate economic activity within local communities, increasing household

incomes and fostering local economic resilience.

Moreover, the project includes substantial business opportunities for local landowners

who will participate as out-growers, supplying sugarcane to the processing mill. This

model not only ensures a steady supply of raw materials but also empowers local landowners

by integrating them into the economic framework of the project.

Currently, PNG faces challenges in meeting its sugar demands due to the limited capacity

of existing mills. The introduction of Yaosoeng’s advanced technologies and management

practices presents an opportunity to enhance productivity and efficiency in the sector. By increasing domestic sugar production, the project aims to reduce PNG’s dependency on sugar imports, thereby stabilizing local markets and potentially lowering sugar prices for consumers.

The project’s scope extends beyond sugar production. The 45-megawatt power plant is

a crucial component, designed to meet the energy needs of the sugar processing operations. Importantly, the surplus electricity generated will be fed into PNG’s national

grid, providing affordable and reliable power to the Abau District. This enhancement of

local infrastructure is expected to stimulate further economic development and improve

the quality of life for residents.

Collaborating with an international firm like Yaosoeng Sugar and Cane Limited brings

advanced agricultural techniques and industrial technologies to PNG. These transfers of

expertise are crucial for modernizing agricultural practices, increasing productivity, and

improving the quality of locally produced goods. Such partnerships also facilitate access

to international markets through established distribution networks, paving the way for PNG to expand its export base.

Furthermore, international partnerships often come with stringent environmental and social standards. By adhering to these practices, the Cocoland project prioritizes sustainable development, minimizes environmental impact, and upholds community welfare. This commitment ensures responsible business practices and safeguards PNG’s natural resources for future generations.

Prime Minister James Marape has expressed strong support for the Cocoland Sugar Development Project, highlighting its potential to develop a new township and create significant business opportunities for landowners. The government is keen on this project not only for its economic benefits but also for its potential to bring competition to the sugar

market, which could lead to lower prices for consumers.

The government has also committed to improving infrastructure in the project area, with plans to upgrade and seal roads under the Connect PNG Programme. This development

is expected to enhance connectivity and accessibility, further supporting the project’s


The Cocoland Sugar Development Project represents a significant leap towards economic

growth, job creation, and sustainable development in PNG’s agricultural sector. By leveraging Thailand’s expertise and fostering a favorable investment climate, PNG can position itself as a regional leader in sustainable agriculture and energy production. This project not only promises to transform the Abau District but also sets a precedent for future

international collaborations aimed at driving inclusive growth and prosperity for the people

of Papua New Guinea.

As the project moves forward, it will be crucial for all stakeholders to maintain open lines of

communication and ensure that the benefits of this development are equitably distributed

among local communities. Ongoing monitoring and evaluation will be essential to measure the project’s impact on the local economy, environment, and social fabric of the region. With careful management and continued commitment from both the government and private sector partners, the Cocoland Sugar Development Project has the potential to become a model for sustainable agricultural development in the Pacific region.


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