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Citrus Fruits

Marape’s Call to Action ~ Transforming Papua New Guinea’s Agriculture Sector

PRIME MINISTER and Treasurer Hon. James Marape underscored the significant

strides made by his government in bolstering the agriculture sector, surpassing

the efforts of previous administrations. Addressing attendees at the conclusion of

the Department of Agriculture and Subsector Agencies Meeting in Port Moresby,

Prime Minister Marape emphasized the imperative of realizing the objectives outlined

in the Medium-Term Development Plan 2023-2027.

“In the last three years, no government has allocated more resources to agriculture than

mine,” declared Prime Minister Marape during his address.

He further asserted, “Similarly, no administration has dedicated as much funding to Small

and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) as my government has over the past three to four years.

Our commitment to the agricultural sector has been unparalleled.”

Accompanying Prime Minister Marape at the meeting were Agriculture Minister Hon. John

Boito, Oil Palm Minister Hon. Francis Maneke, Agriculture Secretary Dr. Sergie Bang, along

with leaders and representatives from various agriculture commodity boards.

In his remarks, Prime Minister Marape articulated his aspirations for the agriculture sector

to progress from deliberations to tangible achievements.

“It is time for action. We have engaged in numerous discussions, and now we must focus

on delivering tangible outcomes,” asserted Prime Minister Marape.

Expressing his eagerness to witness substantive progress, he urged, “We have engaged in

enough dialogue. It is time to transition from talk to action. As we approach the fifth year of

my tenure, I am resolved to see concrete results. Let this be the final discussion-focused

event. Going forward, I expect to see tangible outcomes, particularly in terms of export figures.”

Prime Minister Marape’s call to action resonated with attendees, signaling a shift towards

a results-oriented approach within the agriculture sector. His unequivocal message underscored the urgency of translating dialogue into impactful initiatives that drive economic growth and development.

As Papua New Guinea charts its course towards agricultural prosperity, Prime Minister

Marape’s vision of tangible results serves as a guiding beacon. By prioritizing action over

rhetoric, the government aims to unleash the full potential of the agriculture sector, empowering farmers and fostering sustainable economic progress.

In conclusion, Prime Minister Marape’s unwavering commitment to the agriculture sector

signals a new era of proactive governance and strategic policymaking. With a renewed

emphasis on delivering measurable outcomes, Papua New Guinea stands poised to

harness the transformative power of agriculture for the betterment of its people and the

nation as a whole.

In the dynamic landscape of Papua New Guinea’s agricultural sector, Prime Minister James

Marape’s recent address at the Department of Agriculture and Subsector Agencies Meeting

in Port Moresby resonates as a clarion call for action and results. His emphasis on

the substantial resources allocated to agriculture under his government’s stewardship

underscores a pivotal shift in policy focus and commitment. As Papua New Guinea navigates

the complexities of economic development, Prime Minister Marape’s call for tangible outcomes marks a decisive step towards realizing the nation’s agricultural potential.

In his address, Prime Minister Marape unequivocally declared that his government

has surpassed all predecessors in allocating resources to agriculture. This assertion not

only highlights the government’s unwavering commitment to the sector but also signals a

departure from past practices. By prioritizing agriculture and SMEs, Prime Minister Marape’s

administration is laying the groundwork for sustainable economic growth and rural development.

Accompanied by key ministers and officials from agriculture commodity boards, Prime

Minister Marape’s presence at the meeting underscored the government’s proactive engagement with stakeholders. His call for a shift from dialogue to action resonated with attendees, reflecting a shared sense of urgency in driving tangible outcomes.

Prime Minister Marape’s plea for tangible results reflects a broader paradigm shift in governance—one that prioritizes accountability, transparency, and performance. As Papua

New Guinea embarks on its journey towards agricultural prosperity, Prime Minister Marape’s

vision serves as a guiding beacon, inspiring stakeholders to translate rhetoric into action.

Central to Prime Minister Marape’s message is the imperative of moving beyond mere discussions to achieving measurable outcomes. His directive for results to be posted on the

board signifies a commitment to transparency and accountability—a departure from the status quo where talk often eclipses action.

Indeed, the efficacy of Prime Minister Marape’s approach lies in its pragmatic realism. By

demanding tangible results, he is not only setting a high standard for governance but also

empowering stakeholders to take ownership of their actions. In doing so, Prime Minister

Marape is fostering a culture of accountability and performance that is indispensable for sustainable development.

At its core, Prime Minister Marape’s call for action speaks to the heart of Papua New Guinea’s agricultural aspirations. With vast untapped potential and a burgeoning population, agriculture holds the key to unlocking economic prosperity and improving livelihoods. By galvanizing stakeholders and fostering collaboration, Prime Minister Marape’s administration is paving the way for a brighter future for all

Papua New Guineans.

In conclusion, Prime Minister James Marape’s emphasis on tangible outcomes in the

agricultural sector marks a paradigm shift in governance—one that prioritizes action over

rhetoric. As Papua New Guinea charts its course towards agricultural prosperity, Prime

Minister Marape’s vision serves as a beacon of hope, inspiring stakeholders to work together

towards a shared future of prosperity and growth.


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