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Marape Catalyzes Economic Growthin Gulf Province with LNG Projects

PAPUA NEW GUINEA’s (PNG), Prime Minister Hon. James Marape recently lauded the potential of the Papua LNG Project and the Wildebeest LNG Project to drive business opportunities in the region.

During his address, PM Marape rallied the residents of Gulf Province to seize the impending

projects as avenues for supplying goods and services, emphasizing the significant business implications and potential for investors. He underscored the importance of local agriculture, fisheries, forestry, and tourism sectors in meeting the demands of these ventures,presenting lucrative prospects for entrepreneurial endeavors and investment.

The Prime Minister’s remarks came during the inauguration of the Kerema District SME

and Women’s Micro Bank branch on May 7th, where he announced government funding

initiatives totaling K13 million to kickstart SME projects and enhance infrastructure development in the region.

PM Marape emphasized the pivotal role of local businesses in driving economic prosperity

and job creation, highlighting the government’s commitment to fostering private sector engagement and investment.

The event saw the attendance of key figures such as Bank of PNG Governor Ms. Elizabeth

Genia, Gulf Deputy Governor Hon. Morris Taudevin, Vice-Minister for Works and Highways

Hon. Miki Kaeok, and other provincial and community leaders.

In a significant move, PM Marape announced the appointment of Augustine Mano, Managing Director of the Mineral Resources Development Company, as the Chairman of

the Gulf Provincial Health Authority (PHA), signaling a concerted effort to strengthen

healthcare infrastructure and services in the region.

Looking ahead, PM Marape outlined the timeline for investment realization, with

Papua LNG expected to materialize in the next two to three years. He urged investors to

position themselves strategically to capitalize on early-stage opportunities and expressed

eagerness for ExxonMobil to expand exploration at Wildebeest, potentially the largest

LNG resource in the nation.

PM Marape called upon Gulf Governor Hon.Chris Haiveta and local MPs to spearhead

provincial developments in anticipation of these transformative projects, envisioning a

future where Gulf’s abundant resources directly contribute to the success of these ventures.

He also highlighted ongoing discussions with Governor Haiveta on port development in

strategic locations like Kerema, Ihu, Paia, and Kikori to enhance logistics and facilitate efficient transportation of goods and services, presenting additional investment opportunities in port infrastructure and associated services.

In closing, PM Marape reaffirmed the government’s unwavering commitment to inclusive

growth and equitable distribution of opportunities across all regions, ensuring that the people of Kerema and the broader Gulf community are integral participants in PNG’s

national development journey.

In Prime Minister Marape’s recent address, he heralded a new era of economic promise

for Papua New Guinea’s Gulf Province, fueled by the impending Papua LNG and Wildebeest

LNG Projects. Emphasizing the importance of local businesses, Marape urged residents to prepare for the influx of opportunities, ranging from agriculture to tourism.

The government’s pledge of K13 million in funding underscores its commitment to fostering

SME growth and infrastructure development in the region. Marape’s strategic vision extends beyond mere economic gains; it envisions Gulf Province as a pivotal player in PNG’s national development narrative.

As the country prepares for significant investments in LNG projects, Marape’s call to

action serves as a rallying cry for inclusive growth and equitable distribution of prosperity.

With local stakeholders poised to capitalize on early-stage opportunities, Gulf Province stands on the cusp of transformative change, poised to harness its abundant resources for the collective benefit of its residents and the nation at large.

Prime Minister Marape’s call for the Gulf Province to embrace the economic opportunities

presented by the Papua LNG and Wildebeest LNG Projects signals a pivotal moment in Papua New Guinea’s development trajectory. With government support and strategic vision, Gulf Province stands poised to unlock its potential and drive sustainable growth.


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