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Limited College, and University Spaces Concerning

Updated: May 14

Many qualified students are not able to enroll in tertiary education because there are not enough spaces available, according to Higher Education Minister Don Polye.

The selection method, according to Polye, Minister of Higher Education, Research, Science and Technology, and Sports, did not give qualified applicants a better opportunity of being placed in their second or third preference if they did not match the requirements for the institution of their first choice.

He claimed that as a result, many pupils with grade point averages high enough to enroll in college or university were entirely cut out.

Polye said that starting with applicants with the highest-grade point average, the nationwide online selection method chose students who satisfied all of an institution’s prerequisites (GPA).

However, if the majority of student applications for the specific school received the requisite GPA and all spots were filled, he added, the remaining candidates who received the required GPA would regrettably be passed over, but the system would have a look at their other options. According to Polye, the issue was one of capacity and a bottleneck at each institution due to the thousands of graduates who left the secondary school system competing for a small number of available slots.

According to him, “Higher education institutions and universities establish criteria to make sure that students achieve the maximum academic confidence throughout their studies, which results in some students with strong GPAs not being accepted because of the standard and spaces.”

The opposition leader Joseph Lelang asked the Kandep MP why so many students with high GPAs weren’t able to enroll in tertiary education during a Parliament sitting.

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