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Citrus Fruits

Development PNG Magazine ~ Edition 53, April 2024

Updated: Jun 28

AS we enter this edition, it's clear that Papua New

Guinea is experiencing an era of profound development and change. Our nation is navigating a complex landscape where economic challenges, environmental stewardship, and community empowerment intersect with

initiatives that aim to redefine the course of our future.

In this issue, we delve into the heartbeat of Papua New Guinea's societal tapestry, starting with the launch of the nation's fifth census since 1990. The 2024 Census promises invaluable insights into our population's dynamics and socio-economic indicators. This Endeavor is not merely statistical; it's about shaping policy and decisions that will chart our nation's trajectory for years to come.

Within our environmental landscape, Jude Tukuliya's commitment to balancing economic growth with ecological integrity in the Freida River copper-gold project stands as a

beacon of conscientious stewardship. Such principles are echoed by the Lae Biscuit Company Chairman Ian Chow, who articulates the stark realities faced by businesses

amidst economic challenges, urging meaningful change and accountability.

The struggles and resilience of our cocoa growers, showcased in Buang's efforts to rejuvenate cocoa cultivation, remind us of the transformative potential of community-driven

initiatives. Similarly, the unprecedented surge in cocoa prices underscores the pivotal moment facing our cocoa sector, urging stakeholders to adopt forward-thinking strategies.

In the realm of agriculture, initiatives such as the Coffee Industry Corporation Limited's strategic plan and Prime Minister James Marape's support for the oil palm industry

highlight concerted efforts to drive economic resilience and sustainability.

Yet, amidst progress, we acknowledge the challenges: economic downturns, concerns over investment projections, and the aftermath of disasters such as landslides and natural

calamities that disrupt lives and education. These realities call for decisive action and collaborative effort to forge pathways towards recovery and prosperity.

We also celebrate achievements, such as Chief Justice Sir Gibbs Salika's induction of 126 trainee lawyers into Papua New Guinea's legal fraternity, emphasizing inclusivity and

integrity within our legal landscape. Meanwhile, leadership development programs and cultural initiatives underscore our commitment to capacity-building and global engagement.

As we navigate the chapters of this edition, from the narratives of economic stalwarts to the resilience of communities in the face of adversity, we invite you to immerse yourself in the evolving story of Papua New Guinea. Together, let us embrace the challenges, celebrate the triumphs, and envision a future where inclusivity, sustainability, and prosperity

converge for all Papua New Guineans.

Enjoy the read, and may this edition inspire meaningful conversations

and actions that propel us towards a brighter tomorrow.

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