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Development PNG Magazine ~ Edition 52, March 2024

Updated: Jun 28

Dear valued readers,

AS we embark on a journey through the 52nd edition of our publication for 2024. We want to say a big thank you for sticking with us and supporting us through thick and thin. Your presence keeps us going as we uncover stories of progress and change that shape our


In this edition, we're diving into the latest happenings across different areas, with a special focus on Papua New Guinea's exciting journey and how it affects the wider world. From

new ways of doing business to big steps forward in renewable energy and looking after our resources, each article shows the spirit of bouncing back and coming up with new

ideas to make things better.

We're aiming to give you the substance of these stories, sharing the ups, downs, and opportunities that make up Papua New Guinea's changing landscape. It's important to

keep talking about these things because they don't just affect us here at home; they ripple out across the globe.

By shining a light on these stories, we're not just patting ourselves on the back. We're hoping to spark conversations, get people working together, and push for changes

that make our world a better place. When we all chip in to share and spread these stories, we're helping to build a smarter, more involved, and stronger community.

As you flick through the pages of this publication, we hope you find inspiration, learn something new, and feel recharged to join us in shaping a brighter future for Papua

New Guinea and beyond.

In the big world of international trade and diplomacy, Papua New Guinea (PNG) is at an important moment. I'm thrilled to bring you a bunch of articles that show how PNG is stepping up and making its mark on the global stage.

Led by some forward-thinking folks and driven by a commitment to making things better for everyone, PNG's story is all about talking to other countries, teaming up on business deals, and trying out new stuff. In these pages, you'll find stories about trade, investing in our resources, helping with education, and giving our communities a leg up.

At the heart of PNG's story is our ability to bounce back, think outside the box, and work together. For example, we've got this Trade Commission Service set up by Hon.Richard Maru, who's all about shaking things up and making trade work better for us. And then there's Prime Minister Hon. James Marape, who's chatting with leaders from all over the world, finding ways to team up on everything from defence to schools.

As we figure out how to make our economy stronger, we're also making sure our resources are looked after properly. Companies like St Barbara Limited and Kumul Minerals

Holdings Limited are showing us how it's done, being responsible and making sure our environment and communities benefit from what we've got.

But it's not all about money. We're also focused on making sure everyone in PNG has what they need to live happy, healthy lives. Whether it's opening new health centres or

supporting teachers, we're all about making sure everyone's taken care of.

Happy Reading!

PNG Development Magazine Team


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