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Eradicate corruption ~ Opposition Calls for Stronger Anti-Corruption Measures in PNG

IN a bid to address the pervasive issue of corruption within Papua New Guinea, members of the opposition have issued a call to action directed at the Ombudsman

Commission. The challenge was articulated by Sina Sina Yongamul MP Kerenga Kua

during a press conference convened in Port Moresby.

Kua's remarks shed light on Papua New Guinea's concerning global ranking as one of the

most corrupt nations, particularly in the conduct of its leaders. Drawing stark comparisons

between the past and present, he underscored the alarming deterioration in the state of corruption and underscored the urgent need for decisive intervention.

Expressing deep-seated concern over the prevalence of leadership corruption cases, Kua emphasized the pivotal role of the Ombudsman Commission in investigating and addressing these issues. He squarely placed responsibility on the watchdog for the surge in

corruption levels witnessed across the nation.

Highlighting the indispensable role of the Ombudsman Commission in the fabric of

Papua New Guinean society, Kua voiced disappointment with the commission's current

approach. He called upon the watchdog to rise to the occasion and discharge its duties

with unwavering diligence in the fight against corruption.

The Ombudsman Commission, as enshrined in the country's constitution, holds significant

responsibilities in investigating complaints related to administrative actions and overseeing

the conduct of leaders in public office. With mounting concerns regarding corruption, the

opposition is urging the commission to adopt a more proactive stance in upholding transparency and accountability within Papua New Guinea.

It is evident that corruption poses a severe threat to the stability, prosperity, and integrity

of Papua New Guinea. The insidious effects of corruption permeate all levels of society, hindering development, eroding trust in institutions, and perpetuating inequality and injustice. Therefore, addressing corruption must be treated as a matter of utmost urgency and priority.

The opposition's call for the Ombudsman Commission to ramp up its efforts in combating

corruption is both timely and essential. The commission must demonstrate unwavering

commitment and impartiality in investigating allegations of corruption and holding

accountable those who betray the public trust. Moreover, it is imperative for the commission

to collaborate closely with other law enforcement agencies and stakeholders to ensure a

coordinated and effective response to corruption.

In conclusion, combating corruption requires collective action and unwavering commitment

from all stakeholders. The opposition's call for the Ombudsman Commission to take

a more proactive stance in addressing corruption is a step in the right direction. With

concerted efforts and decisive action, Papua New Guinea can overcome the scourge of corruption and build a brighter future for all its citizens.

The scourge of corruption has long plagued Papua New Guinea, tarnishing its reputation

and hindering its progress. Recently, members of the opposition have sounded the

alarm, urging the Ombudsman Commission to take a more proactive stance in addressing

this pervasive issue. This call to action is not just a matter of political rhetoric; it is a crucial

step towards safeguarding the integrity of Papua New Guinea's institutions and ensuring accountability among its leaders.

Corruption is a cancer that eats away at the fabric of society, eroding trust in government

institutions and undermining the rule of law. It thrives in environments where transparency

is lacking and accountability is weak. In Papua New Guinea, corruption has become deeply

entrenched, permeating all levels of society and hindering the nation's


Sina Sina Yongamul MP Kerenga Kua's assertion that Papua New Guinea is among the

most corrupt countries globally is a sobering reminder of the magnitude of the problem.

The fact that corruption extends to the highest echelons of power only serves to exacerbate

the situation. If left unchecked, corruption can have devastating consequences for the country's stability, prosperity, and future.

The role of the Ombudsman Commission in combating corruption cannot be overstated.

Established as an independent office by the country's constitution, the commission is

tasked with investigating complaints related to administrative actions and overseeing the

conduct of leaders in public office. It serves as a crucial check on the abuse of power and a

guardian of transparency and accountability.

However, as highlighted by Kua, the current approach taken by the Ombudsman Commission is falling short of expectations. Despite its mandate, the commission has failed to stem the tide of corruption or hold accountable those responsible for abusing their positions of power. This has led to a growing sense of disillusionment among the populace and a loss of faith in the country's institutions.

The opposition's call for the Ombudsman Commission to step up its efforts in combatting

corruption is therefore both timely and necessary. It is imperative that the commission

takes a more proactive stance in investigating allegations of corruption and holding

those responsible to account. This requires a commitment to impartiality, transparency,

and the rule of law.

Furthermore, the fight against corruption cannot be waged by the Ombudsman Commission

alone. It requires the collective efforts of all stakeholders, including government agencies,

civil society organizations, and the general public. Every citizen has a role to play in

combatting corruption, whether it be reporting instances of wrongdoing or holding elected

officials accountable for their actions.

In conclusion, the battle against corruption is a daunting but necessary one for Papua New

Guinea. The recent call by the opposition for the Ombudsman Commission to take a more

proactive stance in combatting corruption is a step in the right direction. It is imperative

that all stakeholders work together to root out corruption and build a brighter future for the

country. Only then can Papua New Guinea fulfill its true potential as a prosperous and

thriving nation.


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