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Empowering Jiwaka - Prime Minister Marape's Vision for Agricultural Prosperity

Updated: May 13

PRIME MINISTER Hon. James Marape has unveiled an ambitious blueprint to transform Jiwaka into a thriving agricultural hub by 2025. Speaking to a rapt audience gathered at the launch of

the North Wahgi District Five-Year Development Plan in Banz, North Wahgi, Prime Minister Marape announced a groundbreaking commitment of K10 million to the Jiwaka Provincial Government. This substantial investment aims to rejuvenate the ailing coffee plantations, particularly the iconic Wahgi Mek, and provide vital price support to local farmers, ensuring a minimum price of K6 per kg.

The significance of this announcement cannot be overstated. It heralds a new era of opportunity and prosperity for Jiwaka, a region renowned for its exquisite coffee and fertile

lands. Prime Minister Marape’s vision is clear: to elevate Jiwaka to the forefront of Papua

New Guinea’s agricultural landscape, harnessing its immense potential to become an

agriculture powerhouse by the nation’s 50th anniversary of independence in 2025.

In his impassioned address, Prime Minister Marape underscored his unwavering commitment

to the agricultural resurgence, rallying the local populace with a powerful message of empowerment. “If you work, we will assist you,” he declared. “Our land holds the key to untold wealth. From kaukau to coffee, there are endless opportunities for prosperity.”

Detailing the allocation of the K10 million funding, Prime Minister Marape outlined a

comprehensive strategy to address the systemic challenges plaguing the coffee industry.

“Half of the funding, K5 million, will be dedicated to the rehabilitation of rundown coffee

plantations,” he explained, “while the remaining K5 million will be earmarked for crucial

price support initiatives.”

Expressing frustration with past bureaucratic hurdles, Prime Minister Marape vowed to

bypass administrative barriers and ensure direct assistance reaches the grassroots level.

“We cannot afford to repeat the mistakes of the past,” he asserted. “This time, we will cut

through the red tape and deliver tangible support directly to our hardworking farmers.”

Central to Prime Minister Marape’s vision is the steadfast commitment to safeguarding

the livelihoods of coffee farmers and ensuring fair compensation for their labor. “The

price of coffee must not fall below K6 per kg,” he asserted. “It is imperative that the Jiwaka

Provincial Government implements robust mechanisms to enforce this minimum price,

safeguarding the economic interests of our farmers.”

As Prime Minister Marape’s bold vision takes shape, it serves as a beacon of hope for the

people of Jiwaka and indeed, the entire nation. It is a testament to the transformative

power of visionary leadership and collective action in driving meaningful change. As Papua

New Guinea prepares to celebrate its 50 years of independence, the journey towards

agricultural prosperity in Jiwaka stands as a testament to the resilience, ingenuity, and determination of its people.

In the verdant highlands of Papua New Guinea, nestled within the breathtaking Wahgi

Valley, lies Jiwaka Province—a land brimming with untapped potential and natural beauty.

For too long, this region, renowned for its exquisite coffee and fertile soil, has languished

in the shadows of neglect and underinvestment. However, a beacon of hope now shines

brightly on the horizon, illuminating a path towards prosperity and empowerment for the

people of Jiwaka.

Prime Minister Hon. James Marape’s recent announcement of a bold plan to transform

Jiwaka into an agriculture powerhouse by 2025 marks a watershed moment in the province’s

history. With a resolute commitment to revitalizing the agricultural sector, Prime

Minister Marape has set the stage for a transformative journey that promises to unlock the

full potential of Jiwaka’s abundant resources. At the heart of this ambitious endeavor lies a

K10 million investment, a tangible expression of the government’s unwavering support for

the agricultural revival of Jiwaka. This funding, earmarked for the rehabilitation of coffee

plantations and the provision of price support to farmers, represents a lifeline for a struggling industry grappling with myriad challenges.

For too long, Jiwaka’s coffee farmers have toiled tirelessly, their efforts often going unrecognized and unrewarded. Prime Minister Marape’s pledge to ensure a minimum price

of K6 per kg for coffee signals a seismic shift in the fortunes of these hardworking individuals,

offering hope where there was once despair. By injecting much-needed capital into

the rehabilitation of rundown plantations, the government is not only breathing new life into

the coffee industry but also empowering local farmers to reclaim their rightful place as the

backbone of Jiwaka’s economy.

But the impact of Prime Minister Marape’s vision extends far beyond the confines of the

coffee sector. It represents a holistic approach to agricultural development, one that embraces the diversity of Jiwaka’s agricultural landscape. From kaukau to broccoli, tomato

to cabbage, every crop holds the promise of prosperity for the people of Jiwaka. By leveraging the region’s rich agricultural heritage,Prime Minister Marape is laying the foundation for a thriving agribusiness ecosystem that transcends coffee and encompasses a wide array of lucrative opportunities.

Central to the success of this ambitious endeavor is the collaboration between government

agencies, local communities, and industry stakeholders. Prime Minister Marape’s call to bypass bureaucratic hurdles and deliver direct assistance to farmers underscores the urgent need for streamlined processes and efficient governance. By fostering a conducive environment for private sector investment and innovation, the government can catalyze sustainable economic growth and create pathways to prosperity for generations

to come.

Moreover, Prime Minister Marape’s vision for Jiwaka is not just about economic development; it is about empowerment and self-determination. By investing in the skills and

capacities of local farmers, the government is equipping them with the tools they need to

chart their own course towards a brighter future. Through training and capacity-building

initiatives, farmers will gain the knowledge and expertise required to maximize the productivity of their land and unlock its full potential.

As we look towards the future, let us seize this moment as an opportunity to reimagine the

possibilities for Jiwaka. Let us rally behind Prime Minister Marape’s vision for agricultural

revival and work together to build a prosperous and sustainable future for the people

of Jiwaka. With determination, perseverance, and collective action, we can transform the

dreams of today into the reality of tomorrow - a reality where the lush valleys of Jiwaka

teem with abundance, opportunity, and hope for all.


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