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Empowering Communities ~ Prime Minister Marape’s ‘Take Back PNG’ Initiative

PRIME MINISTER James Marape has embarked on a transformative initiative aimed at empowering local communities and fostering economic self-reliance in a bold move towards realizing the vision of “Take Back PNG”. At the heart of this initiative lies the directive to transfer power generation in Hides to a company jointly owned by the Provincial Government, Hides Landowners, and Power Pylon Landowners—a groundbreaking step towards reclaiming ownership of Papua New Guinea’s valuable resources.

Under this paradigm-shifting approach, the beneficiaries of the New Porgera operations stand to gain not only from rental revenues but also as owners of the power generation and transmission infrastructure—a testament to the government’s commitment to empowering local communities and ensuring that they benefit directly from resource extraction activities.

Indeed, the road to economic self-determination is paved with patience and perseverance. As Prime Minister Marape aptly notes, the process of reclaiming ownership of Papua New Guinea’s resources is not a quick fix but rather a gradual and transformative journey—a shift away from the nation’s role as mere rent and tax collectors towards becoming active participants in the business landscape.

The Hides gas-to-electricity project serves as a prime example of this ethos in action. For nearly three decades, foreign investors like BP and Oil Search controlled the supply of power to Barrick’s operations. However, under the present policies championed by the Pangu Pati and Prime Minister Marape, Papua New Guinea’s Hides gas landowners are poised to take ownership of power generation, supplying electricity to the New Porgera mine—a significant departure from the past, where ownership stakes for local communities were minimal.

With PNG beneficiaries now holding a majority 51% stake in the New Porgera operations—a substantial improvement from the meager 5% ownership seen in previous years—the stage is set for a new era of economic empowerment and self-determination. By reclaiming control of critical infrastructure and business assets, Papua New Guinea’s communities are poised to chart their own course towards prosperity and development.

The #TakeBackPNG movement encapsulates this spirit of empowerment and resilience, urging Papua New Guineans to reclaim ownership of their destiny and shape a future defined by economic self-reliance and national pride. As the nation embarks on this transformative journey, it is imperative that stakeholders across all sectors rally behind the vision of economic empowerment and collective prosperity.

In conclusion, Prime Minister Marape’s directive to transfer power generation in Hides to local ownership represents a significant milestone in Papua New Guinea’s journey towards economic self-determination. By empowering local communities to take control of their resources and businesses, the nation is poised to unlock new opportunities for growth, development, and prosperity. As Papua New Guinea embraces the #TakeBackPNG philosophy, the promise of a brighter future built on principles of ownership, empowerment, and resilience shines ever brighter.

In the pursuit of economic sovereignty and self-determination, Papua New Guinea (PNG) stands at a pivotal crossroads, poised to reclaim ownership of its valuable resources and chart a course towards prosperity. Prime Minister James Marape’s directive to transfer power generation in Hides to local ownership represents a bold step towards realizing the vision of “Take Back PNG”—a vision grounded in the principles of empowerment, ownership, and economic self-reliance.

At its core, this initiative embodies a fundamental shift in PNG’s approach to resource management and economic development. No longer content to serve as mere rent and tax collectors, PNG is reclaiming its rightful place as a stakeholder in its own destiny—a transformational process that promises to redefine the nation’s economic landscape for generations to come.

The decision to transfer power generation in Hides to a company jointly owned by the Provincial Government, Hides Landowners, and Power Pylon Landowners signals a departure from decades of foreign control over critical infrastructure and business assets. For too long, foreign investors have reaped the benefits of Papua New Guinea’s rich natural resources, leaving local communities marginalized and disenfranchised.

Under this new paradigm, however, PNG’s communities are poised to become active participants in the country’s economic affairs, wielding control over vital resources and infrastructure that drive growth and development. By taking ownership of power generation and transmission infrastructure, local communities not only stand to benefit from rental revenues but also gain a seat at the table in shaping the future of resource extraction activities.

Indeed, the road to economic self-determination is not without its challenges. Prime Minister Marape acknowledges that the process of reclaiming ownership of PNG’s resources will be gradual and iterative—a journey that requires patience, perseverance, and unwavering commitment. Yet, the rewards of this journey are profound, offering the promise of a future where PNG’s communities are empowered to chart their own course towards prosperity and development.

The Hides gas-to-electricity project serves as a poignant example of the transformative potential inherent in this initiative. For decades, foreign investors controlled the supply of power to mining operations, reaping the lion’s share of profits while local communities received minimal benefits. Now, with PNG beneficiaries set to own a majority stake in the New Porgera operations, the tide is turning in favor of local empowerment and economic self-reliance.

The #TakeBackPNG movement embodies the spirit of resilience and empowerment that defines PNG’s journey towards economic sovereignty. It calls on all Papua New Guineans to stand united in reclaiming ownership of their destiny and shaping a future defined by prosperity, opportunity, and national pride.

As PNG embarks on this transformative journey, it is imperative that stakeholders across all sectors—government, industry, civil society—rally behind the vision of economic empowerment and collective prosperity. By working together to seize control of their resources and businesses, Papua New Guineans can pave the way for a brighter future—one built on principles of ownership, empowerment, and resilience.

In conclusion, Prime Minister Marape’s directive to transfer power generation in Hides to local ownership marks a significant milestone in PNG’s quest for economic self-determination. It represents a bold declaration of independence—a declaration that PNG is ready to reclaim its rightful place on the world stage as a sovereign nation with control over its own destiny. As Papua New Guineans embrace the #TakeBackPNG philosophy, the promise of a future defined by prosperity, opportunity, and national pride beckons ever closer.


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