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Charting Progress ~ IMF’s Insights on Papua New Guinea’s Economic Future

IN a recent update shared by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) Country Head, Mr. Sohrab Rafiq, critical insights into the progress of the IMF program with the Papua New Guinea government were revealed. The update, presented at a Business Breakfast hosted by the Port Moresby Chamber of Commerce and Industry, shed light on the positive strides made within the program. Mr. Rafiq underscored the successful completion of the first and second review missions, highlighting the significance of IMF’s concessional financing in offering viable options for the PNG government’s fiscal management.

Addressing the government’s fiscal position, Mr. Rafiq outlined a decline in the fiscal deficit

post-COVID, with projections indicating a return to a balanced budget by 2027, contingent

on effective policy implementation. He debunked misconceptions surrounding

PNG’s debt situation, clarifying that the debt levels were broadly in line with regional

peers and not exceptionally high. Moreover, he emphasized the IMF’s role in advising and

supporting the PNG government, dismissing notions of undermining sovereignty.

Challenges such as foreign exchange shortages and overvalued exchange rates were

also addressed. Mr. Rafiq highlighted the economic implications of these challenges,

citing empirical evidence from other countries and stressing the need for investment.

He outlined the IMF’s role in providing policy advice and financing to address these issues

and promote sustainable reforms.

Furthermore, Mr. Rafiq highlighted the importance of gradual adjustments in the exchange

rate to align with market levels, emphasizing the need for sustainable reforms. He assured stakeholders of the IMF’s readiness to support PNG in reversing economic

challenges and fostering growth.

In conclusion, Mr. Rafiq emphasized the IMF’s dedication to fostering global monetary

cooperation and facilitating sustainable economic growth. He reiterated the Fund’s

commitment to engaging with various stakeholders and providing technical assistance

to support PNG’s reform agenda. Lastly, he underscored the significance of IMF financing in

bolstering foreign exchange reserves and attracting other sources of multilateral financial


The recent update from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) Country Head, Mr. Sohrab Rafiq, provides valuable insights into the ongoing IMF program with the Papua New Guinea government. Mr. Rafiq highlighted the positive progress made in the program, including the successful completion of review missions and the importance of IMF’s concessional financing

in supporting PNG’s fiscal management.

One key aspect addressed by Mr. Rafiq is the government’s fiscal position, with projections

indicating a return to a balanced budget by 2027, contingent on effective policy implementation. He also debunked misconceptions surrounding PNG’s debt situation, emphasizing that debt levels were comparable to regional peers.

Challenges such as foreign exchange shortages and overvalued exchange rates were acknowledged, with Mr. Rafiq outlining the economic implications and the IMF’s role in

providing policy advice and financing to address these issues.

Mr. Rafiq emphasized the importance of gradual adjustments in the exchange rate to align with market levels and stressed the need for sustainable reforms. He assured stakeholders of the IMF’s readiness to support PNG in overcoming economic challenges and promoting growth.

In conclusion, Mr. Rafiq reiterated the IMF’s commitment to fostering global monetary

cooperation and facilitating sustainable economic growth. He underscored the

Fund’s role in engaging with stakeholders and providing technical assistance to support

PNG’s reform agenda. Additionally, he highlighted the significance of IMF financing

in bolstering foreign exchange reserves and attracting other sources of multilateral financial


In addition to addressing economic challenges, Mr. Rafiq highlighted the importance

of investment to stimulate growth in Papua New Guinea. He emphasized the need for realistic exchange rates to attract foreign direct investment, citing evidence from other countries in the Asia-Pacific region.

By aligning exchange rates with market levels, PNG can create a more conducive environment for investment, thereby fostering economic diversification and sustainable


Mr. Rafiq’s insights underscore the pivotal role of sound economic policies and international

cooperation in navigating challenges and unlocking the full potential of Papua New Guinea’s economy for the benefit of its citizens and future generations.


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