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Citrus Fruits

Charting a New Course for Lihir

MINISTER for International Trade and Investment, Hon. Richard Maru, in a poignant address during the launch of the Lihir Investment Fund (LIF) in Lihir, New Ireland Province, issued a clarion call to the residents of Lihir to envision a future beyond the closure of the gold mine. With a solemn reminder of the fate of Misima, Minister Maru urged the community to embark on a journey of sustainable development to ensure prosperity for future generations.

Minister Maru underscored the urgency of the situation, painting a stark picture of Lihir’s current landscape: a population of 60,000, with half comprising children and 20,000 individuals already unemployed despite the presence of the gold mine.

Drawing parallels with the broader economic challenges facing Papua New Guinea (PNG), Minister Maru emphasized the need for a paradigm shift away from over-reliance on the resource sector towards diversified and sustainable industries.

Highlighting the window of opportunity presented by the remaining 20 years of mine operations, Minister Maru called upon Lihirians to seize the moment and engage in dialogue with stakeholders, including Newmont, local government, and the state, to chart a new course for the island. Proposing the establishment of sustainable industries such as fishing, Minister Maru emphasized the potential for job creation and economic resilience post-mine closure.

The launch of the LIF, aimed at facilitating investments in PNG, was lauded by Minister Maru as a step towards empowering Lihirians to participate in the nation’s economic growth. However, he urged the fund’s management to expand its capital base and open up shareholding to accelerate investments in emerging opportunities, particularly in Special Economic Zones.

Minister Maru’s impassioned plea resonated with the audience, as he reiterated the government’s commitment to supporting Lihir’s transition towards a sustainable future. Emphasizing the need for collective action and a shared vision, Minister Maru called for a renewed sense of purpose and determination to build a brighter tomorrow for Lihir.

As Lihir embarks on this transformative journey, guided by Minister Maru’s vision of sustainable development, the launch of the LIF serves as a beacon of hope, paving the way for a new era of prosperity and resilience in one of PNG’s most vibrant communities.

In Minister Maru’s recent address at the launch of the Lihir Investment Fund (LIF), he articulated a compelling vision for Lihir’s future beyond the closure of the gold mine.

Urging residents to contemplate sustainable development, he highlighted the imperative of diversifying the island’s economy to ensure long-term prosperity.

Maru’s call to action resonates deeply, particularly in light of Lihir’s current demographic and economic challenges. With a sizable population and a significant portion already unemployed, the reliance on the resource sector for employment is evident. However, Maru astutely observes that the extractive industry alone cannot sustain Lihir’s economy in the long run.

By advocating for the establishment of sustainable industries such as fishing and encouraging dialogue with stakeholders, Maru presents a pragmatic approach to fostering economic resilience.

The proposal to leverage Lihir’s natural resources for ventures like fishing aligns with the island’s inherent strengths while offering a pathway to create employment opportunities beyond the mine’s closure.

The launch of the LIF signifies a pivotal moment in Lihir’s development journey, providing a platform for local investment and economic empowerment. Maru’s emphasis on expanding the fund’s capital base underscores the importance of catalyzing investments in emerging opportunities, thereby unlocking the island’s economic potential.

As Lihirians navigate this period of transition, Maru’s leadership offers a beacon of hope and guidance.

His unwavering commitment to supporting the community’s aspirations for a sustainable future underscores the government’s dedication to inclusive growth and equitable development.

In essence, Maru’s address serves as a catalyst for change, igniting a conversation about Lihir’s destiny and inspiring collective action towards building a resilient and prosperous future for generations to come.


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