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Citrus Fruits

Advancing Major Exploration Projects in Papua New Guinea

GREAT PACIFIC GOLD CORP (GPAC) is accelerating its exploration efforts across Papua New Guinea (PNG), focusing on its expansive 2500 sq km gold-copper assets. These include the Arau, Kesar Creek, and Wild Dog Projects, each showing promising potential for significant mineral discoveries.

At the Arau Project, located in the Kainantu

region, GPAC has completed road access rehabilitation and constructed seven drill pads, preparing for a 2000-meter drilling program aimed at confirming copper-gold porphyry mineralization. In the southern exploration license, recent soil sampling has indicated strong potential for copper and gold, with assay results expected soon.

The Kesar Creek Project, adjacent to the K92 Mining Inc. tenements, has shown highgrade gold prospects through initial soil and rock chip sampling, with some samples returning up to 244 g/t Au. GPAC has intensified its soil sampling program and is preparing for an initial drilling phase to explore these high-grade zones further.

The Wild Dog Project on New Britain Island is progressing with environmental assessments and road rehabilitation, crucial for both exploration and local community access. This project aims to explore high-grade epithermal vein and porphyry-style mineralization.

Chief Operating Officer Rex Motton emphasized GPAC’s commitment to advancing these PNG projects, which hold multiple opportunities for significant mineral discoveries. Great Pacific Gold Corp. (GPAC) is making significant strides in Papua New Guinea’s (PNG) mineral exploration landscape. With an impressive 2500 sq km portfolio of gold-copper assets, GPAC is poised to unlock substantial economic potential in a country known for some of the world’s richest mineral deposits.

The Arau Project, located in the Kainantu region, has seen rapid progress. GPAC’s efforts to rehabilitate road access and construct seven drill pads are strategic steps towards a robust 2000-meter drilling program. This initiative aims to confirm the presence of copper-gold porphyry mineralization, potentially enhancing PNG’s position in the global mining sector. The International Copper Study Group projects a 1.6% increase in global copper demand by 2024, highlighting the strategic timing of GPAC’s exploration activities.

Kesar Creek is another promising project, yielding rock chip samples with gold assays

as high as 244 g/t Au. This finding underscores the high-grade potential of PNG’s mineral resources. Given that the global average gold grade for operating mines is around 1-2 g/t, the results from Kesar Creek are exceptional. The project’s focus on refining soil sampling around key target areas and preparing for initial drilling phases indicates a methodical approach to maximizing resource identification and extraction.

On New Britain Island, the Wild Dog Project is progressing with essential environmental

assessments and road rehabilitation. This project aligns with the global push towards

sustainable mining practices. According to the World Bank, sustainable mining practices

are crucial for maintaining environmental health and community welfare. GPAC’s commitment to environmental stewardship and community engagement sets a standard for

responsible mining in PNG.

The economic implications of GPAC’s projects are profound. The mining sector is a

cornerstone of PNG’s economy, contributing approximately 28% to the national GDP. With

substantial investments in exploration and infrastructure, GPAC is poised to bolster this

contribution significantly. The company’s focus on local employment, using primarily local community members as employees and contractors, integrates economic benefits into the community fabric, fostering local development and reducing poverty rates.

Potential discoveries at these projects could enhance PNG’s export revenues. Currently,

mineral exports account for 80% of PNG’s total exports. An increase in gold and copper

production would not only boost export revenues but also stabilize the national economy,

providing a buffer against global economic fluctuations.

Great Pacific Gold Corp.’s strategic initiatives in PNG are set to unlock vast mineral wealth, driving economic growth and fostering sustainable development. With highgrade

discoveries, methodical exploration, and a commitment to environmental and community standards, GPAC is at the forefront of PNG’s mining renaissance. As global demand for minerals like copper and gold continues to rise, PNG stands to benefit immensely

from these well-orchestrated exploration efforts.


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