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Citrus Fruits

Advancing Green Finance ~ Strengthening Papua New Guinea’s Climate Resilience

THE Bank of Papua New Guinea

(BPNG) recently welcomed a distinguished delegation from New Zealand to discuss pivotal strides in green finance through the Green Finance Centre (GFC). This high-level meeting underscored the crucial role of sustainable financial practices in mitigating climate change impacts across Papua New Guinea (PNG).

Led by Hon. Simon Watts, New Zealand’s Minister of Climate Change, the delegation lauded BPNG’s proactive measures in establishing foundational frameworks for green finance. Minister Watts emphasized the economic imperatives of climate action, highlighting New Zealand’s support in harmonizing green taxonomies to bolster PNG’s

resilience against climate-related risks.

Elizabeth Genia, Governor of BPNG, conveyed the institution’s commitment to inclusive

financial policies that safeguard against market instability exacerbated by climate events. The establishment of the GFC, supported by funding under New Zealand’s Low Emission Climate Resilient Development program, aims to integrate green finance policies into national lending operations. This initiative not only promotes financial inclusion but also catalyzes sustainable investments crucial for PNG’s economic diversification.

Mr. George Awap, BPNG’s Assistant Governor and Chair of the GFC Steering Committee,

emphasized the center’s role in mainstreaming green finance within PNG’s financial

landscape. Under the leadership of Mr. Mohinesh Prasad, Head of the GFC, significant

strides have been made in developing an Inclusive Green Finance Policy (IGFP) and implementing robust green finance initiatives.

The collaborative efforts between PNG and New Zealand underscore a shared commitment

to building resilient financial systems amidst climate challenges. The roundtable discussion, attended by key stakeholders from both nations, laid the groundwork for future cooperation in carbon markets and sustainable finance solutions.

As Papua New Guinea navigates its climate resilience journey, initiatives like the GFC

are pivotal in steering the nation towards a sustainable and prosperous future. The convergence of expertise and commitment at this forum signals a promising trajectory in

leveraging green finance to address pressing environmental challenges while fostering

economic growth and inclusive development nationwide.

The establishment of Papua New Guinea’s Green Finance Centre (GFC) marks a significant

step towards enhancing the nation’s resilience against climate change impacts. This initiative, supported by New Zealand’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, not only underscores international cooperation but also holds profound implications for the

people of PNG.

Firstly, the GFC aims to integrate green finance principles into the country’s financial

sector, promoting sustainable investments and economic diversification. By prioritizing

inclusive financial policies, such as the Inclusive Green Finance Policy (IGFP), the center

seeks to empower local communities, particularly those vulnerable to climate-related

risks like floods and droughts.

Financial inclusion lies at the heart of these efforts, as the GFC endeavors to provide access

to banking services and green investment opportunities for the majority of the population currently unbanked. This initiative not only safeguards against market volatility exacerbated by climate events but also fosters long-term economic stability and growth.

Moreover, the collaboration with New Zealand demonstrates a shared commitment to

leveraging expertise and resources in tackling global environmental challenges. Through

joint initiatives in carbon markets and green taxonomy harmonization, PNG stands to benefit from enhanced capacity building and knowledge transfer in sustainable finance


For ordinary Papua New Guineans, the GFC represents a pathway to resilience and prosperity. It promises to create new employment opportunities, particularly in green sectors, while supporting existing businesses in adopting sustainable practices. By reducing

dependency on fossil fuels and promoting renewable energy investments, the GFC aims

to improve energy access and affordability, thereby enhancing the quality of life for communities nationwide.

The launch of the Green Finance Centre signifies more than just a financial endeavor—it

embodies a commitment to safeguarding PNG’s natural resources, empowering its

people, and securing a sustainable future for generations to come. As stakeholders continue

to collaborate and innovate, the impact of green finance initiatives will ripple across society,

driving inclusive growth and environmental stewardship hand in hand.


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