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Citrus Fruits

A Visionary Step Towards Nationwide Electrification

THE Gulf Provincial Government has emerged as a beacon of progress, exemplifying Papua New Guinea’s (PNG) commitment to providing electricity to at least 70 percent of its population by 2030. Led by Governor Hon. Chris Haiveta, the Gulf Province is pioneering efforts to illuminate homes and empower communities through sustainable energy solutions.

Prime Minister and Treasurer Hon. James Marape recently lauded the Gulf Province’s groundbreaking initiative during a meeting held on March 5, 2024. Governor Haiveta presented the 2024 Gulf Provincial and Local Level Government Budget, showcasing the province’s remarkable strides in providing solar lighting for its entire population.

“I want to acknowledge you, Governor, and your team for providing solar power to our people in Gulf Province, which caters for about 300,000 people. Given the country’s estimated total population of 12 million people, that’s about 3 percent of our population covered,” stated Prime Minister Marape, highlighting the significance of Gulf’s achievements in the broader context of national electrification goals.

Governor Haiveta reaffirmed the province’s dedication to ensuring universal access to electricity, emphasizing the transformative impact of lighting on education, safety, and economic opportunities. “We want to ensure that our people have lighting in and around their homes at night and school children can study under lights at night, as well as other essential need areas for electricity in the province,” expressed Governor Haiveta, outlining the multifaceted benefits of electrification.

The Gulf Provincial Government’s budget allocation of K406 million underscores its strategic approach to sustainable development. With over K195 million in National Government Grants, including support for critical infrastructure projects like the Kikori Road Project, the province is poised for holistic growth and prosperity.

Of particular note is the emphasis on investing in various business ventures catalyzed by the province’s burgeoning resources sector. From air and shipping services to agriculture and fisheries, the Gulf Province is leveraging its natural wealth to drive economic diversification and resilience.

A substantial portion of the budget, K130 million, is earmarked for development projects, focusing on enhancing transportation infrastructure, education facilities, and local governance structures. Furthermore, investments in key agricultural sectors such as coffee, cocoa, rubber, and coconut underscore the province’s commitment to sustainable livelihoods and economic empowerment.

The Gulf Provincial Government’s proactive stance on electrification not only enhances living standards but also aligns with broader national aspirations for inclusive growth and development. By investing in essential services, infrastructure, and economic opportunities, Gulf Province is laying the foundation for a brighter, more prosperous future for its citizens and contributing to PNG’s journey towards sustainable development and energy security.

The Gulf Province’s proactive steps towards universal electrification represent a significant milestone in Papua New Guinea’s development trajectory. Under the leadership of Governor Hon. Chris Haiveta, the province’s commitment to providing solar power to its residents underscores a vision for inclusive growth and empowerment.

Prime Minister Hon. James Marape’s acknowledgment of Gulf’s achievements highlights the national significance of such initiatives, especially in the context of PNG’s ambitious electrification goals. By illuminating homes and communities, Gulf Province is not only enhancing living standards but also fostering educational opportunities, safety, and economic prosperity.

The strategic allocation of the provincial budget towards critical infrastructure, business ventures, and agricultural development reflects Gulf’s holistic approach to sustainable growth. These investments not only address immediate needs but also lay the groundwork for long-term resilience and prosperity.

As Gulf Province emerges as a trailblazer in sustainable development, it sets a compelling example for other regions to follow. Through collaborative efforts between provincial and national governments, as well as private sector partners, Papua New Guinea can continue on its path towards a brighter, more electrified future for all its citizens.


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